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Land Reforms

In West Bengal, land reforms occupy an important position in the rural development policy of the left Front Government. Since its coming into power, it has been laying thrust on the rural development works. Land reforms are integral part of rural development and as such it needs to be placed firmly in the forefront of rural development strategy. The Government of West Bengal formulates and implements policies towards the fulfillment of that objective.  

The land reforms programme of the Government of West Bengal aims at putting and end to the feudal and semi-feudal system, prevalent in the country throughout ages and centuries, by implementing the Zamindari Abolition Act, 1953 and Land Reforms Act, 1955 after making fundamental amendments to the same. It also ensures the cultivators to enjoy their just rights and possession over the land and agricultural products. Thus, the exploitation of the feudal landlords rolls into the pages of history. Direct participation of the people at large and their representatives as well of the rural areas finds best exposition in the developmental schemes and projects of the Government.


With the sole aims and objectives to reduce disparity and irregularities in the rural economic structure by bringing about a change in the ownership of land and land tenancy system the Government takes adequate measures to distribute vested lands among the landless and poor peasantry and safeguard the rights of the share croppers under comprehensive multipurpose programmes.


The Panchayat bodies are largely involved for executing the land reforms policies of the Government. However, the programmes for financing bargadars and assignees of vested lands are normally implemented through the nationalized commercial banks and rural banks to get them free of the clutches of land owners. Besides this, bargadars and assignees of vested lands are given priority in the selection of beneficiaries in may other rural development programmes.


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