Besides acting, my interests span
in other areas of film-making.
I have written
the script for several documentaries for the Door
Darshan and one documentary
by director Gautam Ghosh.
For some time I free-lanced as theatre critic
Ananda Bajar Patrika and
The Statesman.
For some years I taught film analysis to under-graduate
and post-graduate students of the Department of Film
Studies at the Jadavpur
University. Also, I have
served voluntarily a NGO
for several years, working for the education of the
underprivileged children.
education, received fully in India,
started in St. John’s
Diocesan Girls’ High School, Calcutta.
I graduated from Presidency
College, Calcutta with Honours
in English Literature. I
hold a Master’s Degree
in the same subject from the Jadavpur
University, again in Calcutta.
Later I completed Film Appreciation
Course from the Film
and Television
Institute of India, (FTII)
I read, write and speak English,
Bengali and Hindi fluently. |