Archita Roy Chaoudhury has the the national talents for different types of literary creation like poetries, stories, rhymes, essays, travels etc. By these great qualities, She can established herself as a story literary personality of modern Bengali literature. She was born on land-lords family of Ram Gopalpur village of present Bangladesh. On the independence year, 1947, her family had been shifted permanently to West Bengal from Bangladesh. She had studied at Missionary High School of Deoghar Town of Saoutal Pargonas district of Bihar (Presently Jharkhond). Then she studied at collrge in Kolkata. She had completed B.A (Honours). Then she achieved M.A (Psychology) and B.Ed. and also Diploma in Education. She had been attached with Education Department of Jadavpur University and London University previously. He was the teacher of Higher Secondery School, firstly at Kolkata and then at Purulia. Now she is retired. She had started her writing creations since her student life. She had writes eassys, travels, stories, poems, and rhymes in many famous literary magazines. She has writes many books which are too much appreciable. She was the co-editor of the quarterly little magazine, named “Anures”. She had been awarded by “Bangla Bhasa O SSahitya Research Organisation” for her first published book. She had gained the Award, “Triparna” from “Nikhil Bharat Banga Sahitya Sanskriti Parishad? (Kolkata Branch).She had been honoured by “Bangladesh Sahitya Sanskriti Parishad” etc.