School of Optometry, located at Salt Lake in
Kolkata, is the state of art education and training
centre in the clinical practice of Optometry
and related science to make you employable in
the eye care industry, eye hospitals and optical
retails. The institute has the access to the
country's largest out patient eye and vision
care facilities of its co-promoters - Susrut
Eye Foundation & Research Centre and Himalaya
Optical to provide practical experience on patients
under the supervision of expert guidance. This
is very important to improve the bargaining
power of the job-seeking candidates. In addition
to post graduate degree in Optometry, we also
provide various professional short term Certificate
and Diploma Courses to improve your skills in
specialized fields of Optometry and Vision Science.
We offer only those courses, which are bare
necessities of current eye care industry and
eye hospitals. Our extensive experience in the
field of managing eye hospital and optical retail
chain is the key to enable us to customize the
training program and design the suitable module
to suit the need of an organization. Our training
modules are based on knowledge development,
behavior development, and skill development
for improving sales effectiveness, customer
service effectiveness, managerial effectiveness
and clinical effectiveness.
Our Placement wing is also a big source of
trained manpower.
you are looking for trained employees for your
organization, our placement wing can select
one or more for you, conduct interviews on your
behalf and fine tune the candidates before putting
them into employee's list.
In fact we transform and reshape people to
fit into Eye Care Profession, powering them to
perform as eye and vision care professionals
to grow in confidence and become the leaders
of tomorrow.