Service :
  • Bank Loan Assistance
  • E-Visa :
    In a more congested and dangerous world, the need to enhance the security of travel documents persists more than ever, to reduce document fraud and to prevent documents from being used by fraudsters. A continued growth in the number of business and general travellers necessitates state-ofthe- art systems to enhance the security and speed of operation. The answer to the challenge of facilitating speedier passenger clearance without compromising security lies in the biometric enhancement of MRTDs, particularly machine readable e-VISA and other travel documents. The e-VISA solution from ELECTRONIA covers all elements of personalization and issuance of secure VISA, such as enrollment, biometric data capture, work flow management, both physical and electronic personalization and quality assurance.

    e-VISA solution reduces document fraud and prevents documents from being used by fraudsters, while conferring data security and privacy for the travellers. Changing of data in the chip after personalization, reading during passing by or listing of data transfer between chip and reader are prevented by cryptographic mechanisms. Our products and services will facilitate easier person identification as well as speedier passenger clearance at border control without compromising
  • Currency Converter :
    Is the electronic program contained within the Website that allows the quick and current conversion of currency from one to another. This is very useful when buying and selling and when depositing into the Associate WS System Account.
  • Travel Desk
  • IELTs Coaching