Our cleaning systems are the product of custom engineering experience and technical expertise. We include only the highest quality sweep frequency ultrasonic components in systems that are expertly d esigned with particular attention to durability and ease of use. Whether you require a simple ultrasonic cleaning tank or an automated cleaning bench, we will be pleased to analyze every aspect of your application and provide you with the most cost-effective solution to your cleaning problem. It is a one stop, where you can shoulder upon for all your Cleaning Problems.
The company has come up with an array of industrial cleaning solutions for all types of contaminated parts irrespective of shape, size or type of the contaminants. The company feels proud in providing to its clients the turnkey solutions, which incorporates the state of the art technology and eco-friendly aqueous solvents to substitute hazardous organic solvents.
To produce the world's most advanced ultrasonic parts washing equipment that satisfies every part of a customer's requirement with realistically priced equipment options.