Academic Qualification :
Graduated from Calcutta University on B.Sc. from Vidyasagar College, Completed LL.B. 5 years course from Calcutta University.
Developed under the guidence of eminent Artists namely Late Suren Dey, Charu Khan, Sri Samar Bhowmick (Curator), Sri Sunil Pal (Sculpture). Completed one year Certificate Course from Academy of Fine Arts.
News Views :
An interview on Landscape Painting Telecast by BBC World Television organized by 'Dial 96'. Many other interviews and coverage in various other T.V. Channels, namely : Aakash Bangla, R. Plus, Doordarshan., etc. Work Profiles published in various local dailies and publications.

Participated Exhibitions :
- Solo Exhibitation at Academy of Fine Arts, West Gallery from 13th August 2016 Upto 19th August 2016.
- Invitation for International Women's Day on 08.03.2015 at "Gallery Gati"
- An Exhibition of Painting from 30th June to August, 2015 at Chemould Art Gallery, Park Street. Inaguration at ICCR, 5.30 pm on 29th day of June, 2015.
- 70th Anniversary of the Victory of World Humanity Over Fascism at Gorky Sadan from 27th May to 4th June 2015
- JB Centenary celebration at Academy of Fine Arts from 24th March to 30th March, 2015.
- Seminar on "Womens' Day" and an exhibition of painting at gallery GATI , Laketown, 5.30 pm , 8th March, 2015.
- A grade exhibition of painting organized by "Pragati" at Birla Academy, 2nd Floor, from 24th February 2015 to 1st March 2015
- Miniature painting show at Birla Academy, 4th Floor, at January 2015 organised by "Pragati"
- A Group show of "Kolkata Art Society" from 06.11.2014 to 10.11.2014 on Miniature Painting.
- A Group Exhibition of " iMag " at Ajanta Art Gallery from 23th January to 28th January, 2014.
- An exhibition of Manimala organised by "Prayas" started on 12th July, 2014 and ends on 16th July, 2014.
- A group show of 120 Artists in "Chemould" art gallery at Park Street from 22nd June, 2014 organised by "Prayas". Inaugauration on Saturday, 21st, at "Town Hall".
- An Exihibition organised by "Shilpabhavna" at Academy of Fine Arts during 3rd June, 2014.
- A Seminar on "Shilpe Bastabatya in "Gallery GATI" dated 1st day of may 2014, organised by Shree S.B. Sinha, Ex-Principal of Indian Art College.
- Group Show at Academy Of Fine Arts, June, 2014.
- A Group Show organized by “Shilpa Bhabna” at Academy of Fine Arts in February, 2013.
- A Group Show of Painting at Gallery 'Gold' , November, 2012.
- A Group Show of Painting at Birla Academy Fine Arts, organized by "Prativa" on 9.10.2012 to 14 10.2012.
- A Group Workshop at 'Hindustan International' in August 2012, Organised by City Art Factory.
- A Group Show & Painting at Gaganendra Pradarshanshala, organised by ' Shilpa Bhabna' on 28.07.2012 to 31.07.2012
- A Group Show of Painting at Gaganendra Pradarshanshala, organised by "Prativa" , May 2012.
- Adjudged a Sit & Draw Competition in Kolkata as a Judge & also in a panel of Judge of Puja Parikrama
- Participated in a group show at "Prativa", Birla Academy Of Fine Arts & Culture, July 2011.
- Participated in Group Show at "Prativa", Birla Academy of Fine Arts, March 2011
- Art Fare at "Academy of Fine Arts" Participated in various workshops in kolkata & all over West Bengal & different galleries.
- Selected Group Shows on 2010 - 3 shows at "Gallery 79"
- Selected Group Shows on 2010 - 2 Shows at "Birla Academy of Fine Arts"
- Selected Solo Show, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004- at Academy of Fine Arts, 2, Cathedral.
Road, Kolkata- 700071.
- Visit in Dacca as invitee Guest Artist, 1994.
- Selected Group Show of "Manipuspak" on Commercial Art, 1994; 2004 Jan. 'Pous Mala' at New Delhi, Organized by 'Kali Bari' Bengali Association.
- 1st Group Exhibition, 1993
- Annual Exhibition 1992.
- Exhibition on 'Communal Harmony'
- An Art Fair cum exhibition from 08.03.2014 to 15.03.2014 at "Gallery GATI" - 813/b Laketown, block A, Kolkata - 89, Painting oriented work contact for exhibition / fair / otherwise...9830999529
- A seminar of "Shilpe Bastabata" at Gallery "GATI", Lake Town, organized by Ex Principal S.B.Sinha of Government Art College on 1st Day of May 2014.
- A Programme at Gallery "GATI" Lake Town, organized by Sri Atri Bhowmik and Somen Pal on 22nd December, 2013 .
Duet Show :
La Art Galerie, Dacca, Bangladesh, 1995 & Many other group shows and attended various and numerous work shop with eminent artists and held exhibition in notable places.
Studio :
813/B, Lake Town, Block- A,
Kolkata- 700089, West Bengal, India
Phone : +91-33-2243-6656 (O), 2534-4653 (R)
Mobile : 094330 11697 / 098310 04115 / 098309 99529
Remarks :
