DKS Logistics Makes Packing Easy.
DKS has got fleet of trailers which are safe and operates at peak performance so that client needs can be tailored to their needs.
ODC Consignments
DKS offers ODC consignment services and aims to reduce cost and time.
Full Truck Load
DKS provides full truck load services on continuous basis for all over India. There are no restrictions on size, location or destination.
DKS Logistics provides supply chain solutions and complete global and domestic transportation services.
Through our unique and vast network of independent transportation and warehouse capacity providers and independent sales agents, we have the flexibility and experience to meet any supply chain challenge.
DKS Logistics, long known for its safety-first culture, continues to emphasize safety, security and compliance.
 And our state-of-the art technology provides you with the option to outsource all or any portion of your supply chain to us - from carrier selection and carrier management to real-time order management and optimization to in transit and inventory visibility. At DKS Logistics, we're committed to providing you with the most reliable transportation and logistics services in the global market.