Dr. Parimal Tripathy      
    MBBS, M.S. (Gen. Surgery) M.Ch. (Neurosurgery)    
    Consultant Neurosurgeon    

Ex-Prof. & Head Dept. of Neurosurgery :
Institute of Post - Graduate Medical Education & Research
Bangur Institute of Neurology
NRS Medical College, Kolkata.
  Worked in the capacity of medical teacher at Bangur Institute of Neurology (BIN) and Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research(IPGME&R), Kolkata since 1988. BIN and IPGME&R, Kolkata is a Post Doctoral institution where MCh Degree, is conferred by the University of Calcutta and presently by West Bengal University of Health Sciences. The MCh Neurosurgery degree is recognized by Medical Council of India.

Professor & HOD Dept. Neurosurgery, NRS Medical College, Kolkata. From 01.10.2009 to 31.12.2013

Professor & HOD of Dept. of Neurosurgery(BIN and IPGME&R), Kolkata.

From 31.01.2002 to 30.09.2009

Professor of Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 24.05.2000 to 30.09.2009

Associate Professor of Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 01.06.1999 to 24.05.2000

Reader, Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 24.05.1995 to 01.06.1999

Asst. Professor of Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 15.06.1994 to 24.05.1995

Lecturer, Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 15.06.1991 to 15.06.1994

RMO cum Clinical Tutor Dept. of Neurosurgery (BIN and IPGME&R)

From 14.01.1988 to 14.06.1991



  • Surgical Outcome of intradural extramedullary meningioma without Dural resection-A study on 75 cases-Asian journal of medical sciences, vol. 10, no. 3 (2019)
  • Lower Half Laminectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation - A study of 350 cases in last decade – International Journal of Current Research Vol 10, Issue 10, PP.74196-74200, Oct 2018
  • A rare intraspinal tumour "ancient schwannoma "and diagnostic difficulty. Saudi J Health Sci 2014;3:160-2.
  • Retrorectal Epidermal Inclusion Cyst A Rare Cause Of Coccydynia Diagnosed By Transperineal Ultrasonography. World Journal Of Colorectal Surgery. Volume 4,Issue 4;2014, Article 2.
  • Diffuse idiopathei hyperostoris "a case report - Neurology Asia 2012", "17(4)" - 365-368.
  • Nasal glioma - a rare entity - JANEI Vol. 10(1) 2013.
  • Cavernous Sinus cavernous malformation : a case report JANEI Vol. 10(1) 2013.
  • An unusal penetonting transorbital craniocerebral injury - Indian Journal of Neurotrauma, sent for Publication 2013.
  • Calvarial tuberculosi presenting as seizure - sent the publication in Neurology Asia 2013.
  • Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis "a case report - Neurology Asia 2012", "17(4)" - 365-368.
  • Intradural extramedullar Sarcoidosis - A case Report and review of literature. - Asian Journal of Neurosurgury(AJNS) vol.4, No. 1, Mar 2010.
  • Paediatric head Injury - A Clinical Review. Accepted for publication in J. Indian Med Assoc, in January, 2009.
  • Intracranial epidermis - a 10 years study- J. Indian Med Assoc Vol. 106 No. 7 July 2008.
  • Intracranial meningioma - A decade's Retrospection. Journal of Association of Neuro Scientist of Eastern India (JANEI) Vol. 8(1) 2008.
  • A Study of Paediatric Spinal Injury and IPGME&R Kolkata experience - The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. Vol. 3, No. 1, 41-48, June, 2006.
  • Persistent Morbidity of Brain Abscess- reflection of late presentation. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res. July, 2005 Vol. 4, Issue 2.
  • Posterior  Fossa  decompression  with   expanded   duroplasty  in   symptomatic   A.C. Malformation- A study of 38 cases. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res. January, 2005.
  • Primary Intracranial hydatid - A case Report with review of literature. JANIE, Vol. 10 No. 1 & 2, 65-70, December,2005.
  • Assessment of functional outcome of Thoracolumber Spinal Injury after posterior Instrumentation and Spinal Fusion. JANIE, oct, 2005.
  • A Study on outcome of patients with extradural haematoma presenting more than 8 hours after head injury. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res. Vol. 4, Issue 1, 14-18, Jan, 2005.
  • Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations - one explanations for unexplained paraparesis. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., Vol. 4, Issue 1, 9-13, Jan, 2005.
  • A study on retropharyngeal approach in cranio vertebral anomalies. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., Vol. 3, Issue 1, 34-38, Jan 2004
  • Parkinsonian Syndrome with chronic subdural haematoma- A rare presentation and review of literature. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., Vol. 3, Issue 1, 26-30, Jan,2004
  • Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathic treated by corpectomy bone grafting and plate screw fixation. JWBOA, Vol, 18, No. 1, 14-18, Apr,2003.
  • Extended Anterior Skull base Approaches- 3 years experiences. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., XXiX, 20-23,2002.
  • Peneal region tumours - as perceived at BIN. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., XXVii, 5-7,2001.
  • Spinal cord- Basic and applied Anatomy- A review  Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., XXVii, 4-14, Jan, 2000.
  • CT guided Stereotactic operations. Bull. Inst. P.G. Med.Edu. & Res., XXVi, 1-4,1999.
  • Osteoblastoma of Dorsal Spine- A case Report. Neurology, India. 47, 331-332, 1999.
  • Intraventricular haematoma in Moya Moya disease. Neurology, India. 36, 184,1999.
  • Subdural haematoma- A review of 205 cases. JANEI, Vol. 3(1), 1998.
  • Ewing's Sarcoma Spine. Neurology, India. 44, 239-241, 1996.
  • Third Ventricular Tumour with Pathological Diagnosis of Xanthogranuloma. Neurology, India. 43, 115-117, 1995.
  • Tension Pneumocephalus following posterior cranial fossa surgery in sitting position. J. Indian Med Assoc. Vol. 93, 109-110, 1995.
  • Observation on Spinal dysraphism. J. Indian Med Assoc, Vol. 87, No. 3, 63-64, 1989.
  • Bilateral Extradural haematoma following ventriculo atrial shunt. Neurology, India. 36, 392,1988.


  • Examinor MCh Neurosurgury Examination of University of Calcutta (CU) and presently West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS) since 1997 and remained as convenor since 2001.
  • Examinor MCh Neurosurgury Examination Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Ranchi Institute of Medical Sciences(RIMS), SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, G.B. pant Hospital, Delhi University & Gowhati University.
  • Appointed as Inspector, Medical Council of India for recognition of MCh course at SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa & at diff. medical colleges.
  • Dissertation Guide for MCh Neurosurgury, CU and WBUHS.
  • Appointed as Evaluator of Dissertation of WBUHS and Delhi University, NTR University, Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh & Ranchi University.
  • Expert for the selection of teachers in Neurosurgury in different institution in the Country.
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