DC Motors |
"GE MOTORS (PVT.) LTD" make DC Motors are available with different Performance Characteristics and accordingly are classified into SHUNT / SERIES & COMPOUND Motors. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
AC Motors |
" GE " make AC Motors are available with different Performance Characteristics. AC motors have a wide range applications. "GE MAKE" AC motors are specially designed to best suit frequency modulations with following features. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Synchronous Motors |
" GE " make Synchronous Motors are constant speed machines i.e running at its synchronous speed.
Synchronous motors are capable of being operated under a wide range of power factors, both lagging and leading. Hence, it can be used for power factor correction purposes, in addition to supplying torque to driven loads. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Synchronous Generator (Alternator) |
"GE" DC Generators are available in Shunt/Series/ Compound versions. Specially designed, self-excited /separately-excited and self-regulated in screen protected drip-proof enclosure,available in Single Phase and Three Phase output at 1500 RPM. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Battery Operated DC Motors (EV & Hybrid EV Motors) |
" GE " make Battery Operated Motors are designed for low voltage applications. Semi-Traction motors are basically Series DC Motors & common for most Battery operated motors design. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Dynamometers / DC - Tachogenerators |
An electromechanical generator is a device capable of producing electrical power from mechanical energy, usually the turning of a shaft. When not connected to a load resistance, generators will generate voltage roughly proportional to shaft speed. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
: Drive Section : |
DC Drives |
"GE" brand Drives have been serving the Industries since 1980 and have developed a reputation of its own class and Quality. Equipped with the most Latest Techniques, Designs & Materials these drives have found their positions in the International Markets as well. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Chopper Controllers |
"GE" brand Chopper controller Drives are specially engineered and indigenously designed to control the speed of Battery operated DC Series Motors with Mosfet technology. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Control Panel |
“GE” Make all type Panel
1. DC Panel, 2. AC Panel, 3. Relay Panel, 4. Transformer Panel, 5. PLC PANEL, 6. INDUSTRIAL PANEL. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Electronic Generators- Inverters |
" GE " make POWERLIT / MINILIT Invertors (Electronic Generators) are application oriented Invertors, for conventional Tube lights, Fans etc., and are suitable for Homes, Shops, Offices etc.,
The POWERLIT Electronic Generators are totally noiseless & smokeless, and functions with externally connected Battery source. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Semi - Traction Motors |
"GE" make Semi-Traction motors are suitable for applications which demand a high starting torque. Semi-Traction motors are basically Series DC Motors
Common uses of the series motor include crane hoists, where large heavy loads will be raised and lowered and bridge and trolley drives on large overhead cranes. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Transformer |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Growler |
These armature growler tester are made by using very high quality raw material which ensures high durability at its user end. These armature growler tester are widely finds its application in industrial and commercial sectors.
Armature Dia. : 20 mm to 100 mm.
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Load Bank (Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive) |
“GE” Make various type of Load Bank.
Three Types of Load Available here:
- Resistive
- Inductive
- Capacitive
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Power Supply upto 100A |
“GE” Make DC Power supply upto 100A for the Lab & also Industrial Purpose. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Electrical Machine Trainer |
“GE” Make ELECTRICAL MACHINE TRAINER is a great feedback from our engineer in Electrical World.
It is so much easy to conduct and understand. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Total Lab Set up |
We setup the all Electrical,Electronics,Instrumentation department Lab .
Basic Electrical Lab, Measurement Lab, Power system Lab, Control System Lab, Electrical Machine Lab, Machine Drives Lab Etc. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Equipments for Educational Institutes, Engineering colleges
Diploma, Degree & Research institute |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Educational Type DC Motors |
DC motors requires a basic understanding of the design and operating characteristics of the various types available: the series motor, the shunt motor, and the compound motor. Each type has unique operating characteristics and applications. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Cut Section AC / DC Motors |
“GE” Make cut section model of AC/DC Motors for the educational purpose and also for the demo purpose. All type of DC & AC Motors cut section are available. For other details see the AC & DC Motors Specification. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
AC to DC M-G set |
Both Alternator & DC Motor will be horizontal foot mounted type, continuously rated, self ventilated dynamically balanced and will have E/B class Insulation confirming to IS 4722. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Identical DC Shunt Machines Set for Hopkinson Test |
" GE " make Identical sets of DC Shunt/ Series motors for performing various tests. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Identical DC Series Machines Set for Field Test |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
DC Starters |
" GE " make DC Starters in 2point, 3point & 4opint configuration for series, shunt & compound motor starting. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
Field Regulators for DC Shunt / Compound
Motors & Generators |
" GE " make DC Generator panels for Shunt / Series / Compound DC generators with Indications, Meters, Field regulator, Mains MCB, Fuses, internally wired & Binding posts of suitable capacity for easy connections. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
DC Variable Speed Drive System with Dimmer Control
and DC Variable Speed Drive with Thyristor Control |
"GE" brand Drives have been serving the Industries since 1980 and have developed a reputation of its own class and Quality. Equipped with the most Latest Techniques, Designs & Materials these drives have found their positions in the International Markets as well. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |
DC Machine Trainer Set with Dynamo & Eddy Brak |
" GE " make DC Motor Trainer available in two combinations consisting of
1) DC Motor Dynamometer trainer &
2) DC Motor Eddy brake trainer. |
Specification | Technical Data | Online Payment |