RAIBENSE : "Raibense" is one of
the heroic war dance of West Bengal in
India. The word "Raibens" is derived
from the word "raibanshe" or royal
bamboo. In this dance, the vigorous
and manly movements of the body,
together with the stirring notes of
the drum, generates courage and daring
in the feeblest of hearts. The entire
dance is permeated by a spirit of
irresistible joy.
Dhali Dance is another heroic folk
dance of West Bengal. It originated
and developed during the reign of Raja
Pratapaditya. After winning the battle
the fatigued and exhausted soldiers
started dancing with swords in
contenment in order to inspire
themselves for the next war.
The predominating characteristics or
me Kanp; dance are its inherent heroic
and epic qualities, and particularly
the balance of the body on bamboo
sticks. From the earlier times, the
use of the Ranpa was as a means of
travel. In this dance, the dancers
balance themselves on long Bamboo
sticks and dance with the notes of
drums This dance is extensively
practised in the Burdwan and Midnapore
districts of West Bengal in India.
PATA NACH : Pata Nach literary
meant 'to make friends'. The dancers
dance to the rhythm with their hands
clapped together with their
made-friends. It is performed mainly
in the chain or row formation in a
circular or semi-circular motion. It
is performed of the 'Karam' utsav. In
the eastern area of Midnapore district
it is one of the favourite among mens.
And now, womens are also participating
in Pata Nach in many areas.
GANESH BANDANA : Among all the famous
dances of West Bengal this dance
preserves something of the old martial
spirit. It is based mainly in the
Purulia, Saraikella and Mayurbhanj
Districts in eastern India.
TADIN : The tribals live in
hardship work day and night in the
wield, roads and houses. They give
woel and shelter to others by deant of
their hardwork. But they ducell in
mysery, proverty and ware no sorrow,
no first station can touch their live
as they live in joy and merriment,
music and dance. This is the life
style of the tribal or what we can
Aetovas Gracefully presented by the
pioneering institution of Sarabhuj.
The History of the 'Paikas' of
infantry soldiers of the eastern state
of Orissa and West Bengal in India, is
inextricably interwoven with the
general history of the land. The dance
performed by them is the 'Paika
Dance'. Men and women together
participate in the performed of the
dance. The male dancers uses 'Dhali'
and women dancers uses 'Dhali' and
women dancers uses sword in their
hands. This is a warrior dance and the
movements are deliberate, presenting
wartricks as defence and offence. The
dance is a celebration of the
patriotic values, the charm and vigour
of the Bengal's men & women.