Publications/ Presentations/ Researches :
- A Research Paper ‘Longevity of
Surgeons` was presented at the Annual
Meeting of Association of Surgeons of Great
Britain & Ireland held in Edinburgh in Nov,
`98. The abstract of this was published in British
Journal of Surgery, in Nov, 98 - Indexed
- An Audit on `Urgency of GP referrals
in the Rapid Access and Routine Breast Clinics
– a study over 6 months` period` was
presented in Chorley Hospital in a
Multi-Disciplinary Meeting in Jan, `99.
- A Review of ‘Laparoscopic repair of
recurrent Inguinal Hernias at Chorley
Hospital` was presented in a SpR
meeting at Lancaster Royal Infirmary in June,
- Presented a paper on “Profile of
Gastric Cancer in Eastern India” at
SAARC (an International Conference on Oncology)
held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in March’01
- Co-author of a research paper “Critical
role of an Endogenous Gastric Peroxidase in
controlling oxidative damage in H.
pylori-mediated and non-mediated Gastric
Ulcer” in Radical Biology &
Medicine, Vol 32, printed in the USA in Aug’02
- Indexed
- Co-author of a research paper “Analysis
of human Lymphocyte Antigen Class I Expression
in Gastric Cancer by Reverse Transcriptase –
Polymerase Chain Reaction” published
in Human Immunology 66, 164-169 ( 2005 ) @
American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, published by Elselvier Inc.,
USA - Indexed
- Delivered Lectures on ‘Oesophageal
stenting’ and ‘Axillary
Clearance’ at National Hospital,
Bloemfontein, South Africa in Oct’05.
- Letter to editor Published in the Surgeons
(Journal of Royal College of Surgeons
of Edinburgh and Ireland in December, 2006) on “Splenic
Rupture during Colonoscopy - Indexed.
- 2nd author of a Research article “Matrix
Metalloproteinase 3 Gene Promoter
Polymorphisms and their Haplotypes are
associated with Gastric Cancer Risk in Eastern
Indian population”- recently accepted
for publication in Molecular Carcinogenesis, USA
(already available online in Wiley Online
Library) - Indexed
- Co-Author of a Research paper `CXCL13-
CXCR5co-expression regulates Epithelial to
mesenchymal transition of cancer cells during
Lymph node metastases` in Breast
Cancer Res Treat (DOI 10.1007/s10549-013-2811-8)
in 2013- Indexed.
- Co-author of a Case report: `Metastasis
to Breast from Cancer of GE junction` in
Hindawi Publishing Corporation (USA),
in June, 2014- Indexed.
- Joint author of a Case Report `Giant
Phylloides tumour resulting from gross
negligence` published in JMSCR Vol
I2IIssue I6IPage 1488-1491IJune
2014IISSN:2347-176X- Indexed.
- Joint Author of `Malignant Ascites as
the first sign of Breast Cancer- two case
reports`- JMSCRVolI2IIssueI9IPages
2448-2453ISept2014- Indexed.
- Co- Author of `Matrix
Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) Promoter
Polymorphisms are Well Linked with Lower
Stomach Tumor Formation in Eastern Indian
Population` published in Plos One
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0088040 on 5th
February, 2015- Indexed.
- Presentation for the
Surgical trainees on `How to avoid
Morbidity in Breast Cancer Surgery` at UNMC
(University Medical Centre Nebraska, Omaha,
USA in July, 2016.
- Mandal Palash Kumar, Biswas Subir, Mandal
Gunjan, Purohit Suman, Gupta Arnab,
Majumdar ( Giri) Amita, Chowdhury Sougata Roy,
Bhattacharyya Arindam. CCL2 conditionally
determines CCL22-dependent Th2-accumulation
during TGF-B-induced breast cancer progression.
- Mukherjee Pritha, Gupta Arnab,
Chattopadhyay Dhrubajyoti, Chatterji Urmi.
Modulation of SOX2 expression delineates an
end-point for paclitaxel-effectiveness in breast
cancer stem cells. Scientific
- Gunjan Mandal, Subir Biswas, Sougata Roy
Chowdhury, Annesha Chatterjee, Suman Purohit,
Poulomi Khamaru, Sayan Chakraborty, Palash Kumar
Mandal, Arnab Gupta, Jo-Anne
de la Mare, Adrienne Lesley Edkins, Arindam
Bhattacharyya. Heterodimer formation by Oct4 and
Smad3 differentially regulates
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition-associated
factors in breast cancer progression.
- Co- Author of Editorial – Global Health
Services Research: Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira,
Chandrakanth Are, Arnab Gupta:
Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: Support for the
Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology Journey
towards Implementation of Cytoreductive
Surgery/Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal
Chemotherapy in Brazil, in Annals of Surgical
Oncology, 18th Jan, 2021:Ann Surg Oncol
- Co-author of a Research article; Jena S,
Bhattacharya S, Gupta A et al
(July 18, 2021) Axillary Reverse Mapping in
patients undergoing Axillary Lymphnode
dissection: a single institution experience from
India.Cureus 13(7):16462.DOI
- Sain Baijaeek, Gupta Arnab,
Bhattacharya Samir, Mondal Radha Raman, Haldar
Sudip, Roy Shravasti, 2nd Author of a Case
report `Primary Adenocarcinoma of the Appendix
presenting with fresh bleeding per Rectum: A
Case report` in International Journal of Surgery
Case Reports` (August 5, 2021)
- Osteosarcoma of the maxilla presenting
as a chronic pyogenic abscess: A case report (International
Journal of Case Reports) Baijaeek Sain a,* ,
Arnab Gupta a , Saradindu Ghosh a , Radha Raman
Mondal a , Samir Bhattacharya a , Aruni Ghose b
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
journal homepage:
Received 25 August 2021; Received in revised
form 15 September 2021; Accepted 16 September
- PI of a Research Work with Vimta
Labs `Genomics of Oral Cancer`
- Co-PI of Research Work on
`Paediatric non-hereditary Colo-rectal Cancer`
with NIBMG, Kalyani
- Co-PI of Phase II Trial of `Targeted
therapy in different Cancers` with
NATCO Pharma
in India :
- Guest Review Article: “Radiofrequency
Ablation- percutaneous, Laparoscopic or Open?”
published in Orissa Journal of Surgery in Feb,
- Co-author of a Poster Presentation “Gastric
Carcinoma, H. Pylori infection and Serum
Selenium and zinc status` at 42nd
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of
Gastro-enterology in Nov, 2001. The abstract was
published in Indian Journal of Gastro-enterology
in Nov, `01 - Indexed
- An abstract of a paper on “Characteristics
of GI Malignancy in Eastern India”
was published in Indian Journal of
Gastro-enterology in June, `01- - Indexed
- Regular publications in the Hospital Academic
Bulletin (CCWHRI Bulletin): `Insertion of
Central Venous Line- experience of a Paediatric
Oncology Unit`, `Palliation of malignant
Dysphagia by stents`, `Colo-rectal cancer in
Children & adolescents- a 7 yrs`
experience`, `Giant Cystosacroma phylloides- a
case report`, `Laparoscopic RFA- a case report`,
`Synchronous Liver resection- a case report`.
- 1st Author of an Original Article
‘How to avoid morbidity in Axillary Clearance- a
8yrs` experience` was published in of Indian
Journal of Surgical Oncology (Vol1, number3,
July-Sept 2010, pg:240)- Indexed.
- 2nd Author for a Case Report `Intraparenchymal
Leiomyoma of Breast` accepted in
Sept, 2011 in Indian Journal of Surgery and is
available on-line (Indian J of Surg, DOI
10.1007/s12262-011-0367-6) – Indexed
- Co-author of an Original article: `Male
Breast Cancer: A Clinicopathologic study of 42
patients in Eastern India` published
in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology (Sept
2012) 3(3):245-249- Indexed.
- Corresponding Author for Original Article `Colorectal
Liver Metastases- Current
concepts` published in Indian Journal
of Surgery In January, 2020- Indexed.
- Co-author of an Original Article `Comparison
of histopathological grading and staging of
breast cancer with p53-positive and
transforming growth factor-beta receptor
2-negative immunohistochemical marker
expression cases` published Online in
Cancer Translational Medicine Year : 2020 |
Volume : 6 | Issue : 2 | Page : 30-33
Palash Kumar Mandal, Anindya Adhikari, Subir
Biswas, Amita Giri, Arnab Gupta, Arindam
- Co-Author of an Artice `IASO Covid-
19 Guidelines (updated on 9th April, 2020)`-
Indian Journl of Surgical Oncology 11, 171-174
(2020) published on-line in May, 2020: Sharad
Desai, Arnab Gupta.
- Co-Author of a Review article: `Adaptations
ans Safety Modifications to Perform Safe
Minimal Access Surgery during Covid 19
Pandemic: Practice Modifications Expert Panel
Consensus Guidelines from Academia of AMASO`-
S P Somasekhar, Rudra Acharya, Avanish Shaklani,
Devendra Parikh, Jagadishwar Goud, Jagannath
Dixit, K Gopinath, M Vijaya Kumar, Rajesh
Bhojwani, Sandeep Nayak, Subramanesyar Rao,
Kiran Kothari, K Chandramohan, Sharad Desai,
Arnab Gupta, Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
2020 Nov 18;1-11. doi:
10.1007/s13193-020-01254-9. Online ahead of
- Special Correspondent: Cancer
Awareness- the Basics: JIMA, Vol 119,
no 2, February, 2021- Indexed
- Bhattacharya Samir, Gupta Arnab,
Ghosh Saradindu: `Locally Advanced
Gastric Cancer: Case discussion`
published in JIMA, Vol 119, No 07,July 2021,
- 1st Author: Arnab Gupta,
Inderdeep S, Sudip H, Biman C. `A case
of primary adenocarcinoma of Meckel’s
diverticulum presenting as ovarian mass and
literature review`. Indian J Case
Reports. 2021; Aug 24 [Epub ahead of print]
- 1st Author for `Colon cancer in
malrotated gut: A case report` in
Indian J Case Reports. 2021; Aug 31 [Epub ahead
of print] Arnab Gupta, Subrata
Kumar Sahu, Samir Bhattacharya, Sudip Haldar.
- Co-Author for a Review Article: `IAPEN
India: Nutrition Consensus Guidelines in
Oncology Clinical Practice` published in
Journal of Nutrition Research DOI:
10.55289/jnutres/v9i 1.03, 2021, Vol9, Issue 1,
Pages 8-18.
- Co-Author of an article: Goswami J,
Bhattacharya S, Gupta A, Chowdhury RR,
Bhattacharya G, Ghosh S.`Changing pattern of
Cancer incidence in India: 25 year report of
the cancer registry of a large urban cancer
centre`. Bengal J Cancer 2021;1:86-8.
- 'Evolution of Cancer Care in West Bengal
& Eastern India- Post Independence'
published in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
in Aug, 2022
- First Author: Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Cancer Care-Post-Independence Evolution in West Bengal and Eastern
India Arnab Gupta1 Received: 12 June 2022 / Accepted: 19 July 2022
- Co-Author: Carcinoma of the axillary tail of Spence: A rare case report Pranjit Kalita a,* , Arnab
Gupta a , Piyas Sengupta a , Samir Bhattacharyya a , Soumendra Mishra b , Sumanta Dasgupta
- Co-Author: A rare presentation of Jejunal GIST: a Case Report : published in International
Journal of Surgical Case Reports
Kalita P, Gupta A, Sengupta P, Bhattacharyya S Indian J Case Reprts; December 2024, Available online 12 December 2023
Reviewed article for
`Indian Journal of Surgery`, `Indian Journal
of Surgical Oncology` & JIMA:
- Reviewed 25 articles so