Indian Refrigeration Stores Caters to customers in the area of Industrial. High purity and Mixture Gases. Our company is recognized for its operational excellence and commitment to safety and the environment. We aim to develop lasting relationships with our customers through honesty in the way we do business and a passion for exceeding customer's expectations.
Delivering the best quality products, at an affordable cost, Indian Refrigeration Stores (IRS) has built its business in a prominent way. With the proper implementation of strategies, business policies & practices, we have supported vibrant economy, strong community and healthy environment.
IRS’s simple approach is to provide prompt services and quality products at fair prices, has earned a trusted place in the marketplace for itself. Moreover, the company provides a healthy workplace for its employees so that they can achieve their best potential. As we serve our customers in a profound way in terms of price, time and quality, we have become a leading producer in the domain. In order to keep our customers satisfied, we make sure on time delivery of products with current industrial norms and standards.
To meet the demands of an extensive and diverse customer base, IRS is equipped with state-of-the-art storage and distribution facilities for Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Acetylene, Hydrogen, Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide. IRS offers the most comprehensive range of gases in all purities ranging from industrial or commercial grade to ultra high purity grades. In addition to the above, IRS also deals in Helium, Sulfur Hexafluoride, Fluorocarbons / Refrigerants, Ammonia, Methane, Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Carbon Monoxide, Chlorine and Refrigerant.
IRS offers gases for an infinite area of usage in a wide range of industries:
- Industrial Gases
- High purity, specialty & mixture gases
- Medical, food grade gases & refrigerant
We offer these above mentioned gases in portable high-pressure cylinders. Cylinder sizes and pressures vary according to the needs of the local market. Colour coding also varies in accordance with international standards.
The uses of gas mixtures in today's technologically advanced society are virtually limitless. The most commonly supplied products from IRS’s vast range of ultra high purity gases, mixtures and specialty gases include:
- Calibration Gas Mixtures
- Common Gas Mixtures (Argon/Carbon Dioxide, Argon/Hydrogen, Argon/Nitrogen, Argon/Helium, Nitrogen/Oxygen, Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen/Hydrogen, Methane/Air etc.)
- Diving Mixtures
- Electronic Gases
- High Purity Instrument Gases
- High Purity Process Gases
- Rare Gases