Dr. Sadhan Chandra Ray
Ex - Sheriff of Calcutta
M.S. ( GEN.SURG.) M.CH. F.I.A.C.S.
Officer Commanding General Hospital ( Territorial Army). |
House No. 25 Cluster VI, Secto - III,
Purbachal Housing Estate,
Salt Lake City, Water Tank No. 13,
Kolkata - 700 097, West Bengal, India
Phone No. : 98300 14773, 98300 84447
Mobile : 098300 45577
Contact Person :
Dr. Sadhan Chandra Ray[Doctor - Thoracic Surgeon]
E-mail : sadhan.ray@gmail.com
Webaddress :
http://www.calcuttayellowpages.com/adver/107407.html |
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