School Management -
There is no separate Managing Committee for Gyan Bharati Prathamik Vidyalaya and the school is managed directly by the Executive Committee of Gyan Bharati Society.

Sri Sharad Kedia

Sri Mahesh Kumar
(Joint Secretary)

Smt. Ranjita Roy
Academics -
The school is endowed with well qualified and experienced teachers who are trained in teaching very young children. At present Smt. Ranjita Roy Chowdhury is the Principal, Phone No. (033 2530 8336). The academic performance of the students is quite satisfactory. The students have also earned distinction in different cultural activities and sports.
School Hours -
• L.K.G. -
8.20 A.M. to 11.45 P.M.
• U.K.G. - 8.20 A.M. to
12.20 P.M.
• PREP & Class V- 8.20
A.M. to 1.30 P.M.
Arrival time is relaxed by 15 minutes during
winter season.
Every Tuesday in the second
and third period Cubs and Bulbuls classes are
held for Class II to Class V
Admission Norms -
Students are admitted without any
discrimination in regard to religion, caste
and creed. Bulk of the fresh admissions is in
the LKG, while in upper classes fresh
admissions are restricted depending upon the
number of vacant seats. The age criterion for
admission in LKG is 3yrs. plus. Admissions are
on the basis of admission test and interview
as also satisfactory record of performance in
the previous school, if any. For admissions of
students coming from other schools/other
States and/or Boards, the usual documents like
Transfer Certificate. Migration Certificate
etc. are required. For all admissions two
copies of passport size photograph of the
candidate are essential. Admission process
starts in January and is over by the end of
February. The school session is from February
to December (for 2022-2023).
The Calendar for Admission is as
• Announcement is in early November.
Distribution of application forms starts at
the same time, the price being Rs.200/-
• Admission closes by the end of February.
For any queries
in the matter of Admission the Contact
Persons is
Smt. Rinku Chatterjee (033 2530 8336) who is
available from 10.30 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Download Registration & Admission Form
Contact Details -
Gyan Bharati Prathamik Vidyalaya (LKG to Class V)
Principal - 033
2530 8336
Office - 033 2530 8336