Chart |
Horoscope - (500 Rs.-3000 Rs.)
2. Numerological Calculation - Rs. 500
3. Bastu & Feusui - (Dependable)
4. Tantra -
a) Dhanada Kabaj for earn money and Business -
(Rs. 4000
- 6000)
b) Basikaran. Yantram (Rati Sundari) - (Dependable)
c) Siddi Binayak Yantram for get a good job -
(Rs. 3000
- 5000)
d) Bagala Yuntrain - (Rs. 4000 – 6000)
e) Saraswati Kabaj for education. (Rs. 4000)
f) Ketaki Pratyangira any type of obstacles and Bidyesan
(Rs. 12000 - 40000)
Success with in 21 days (Gurantee)