Market Network :
- Products of the company are marketed in India in different states, through network of dealers. The main areas covered by the company are West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand etc.
- The company also directly exports by per duct Doc to different Country (Vietnam).
Marketing network adopted by Aditi Health Oils Pvt. Ltd. :
- Appointing distributors / dealers in major towns. As a policy matter, only one dealer is appointed in particular location & all the possible assistance is provided to carry out business.
- Supply of oil against tenders by Govt. agencies is managed by our distributors / dealers company supports in all the possible manner.
- Direct export is carried out, which are managed by one exports department.
Trade & Market
- Main Markets :
- North America
- South America
- Eastern Europe
- Southeast Asia
- Africa
- Oceania
- Mid East
- Eastern Asia
- Western Asia
- Western Europe