The medical science concerned with x-rays, radioactive materials, and other ionizing radiations, and the application of the principles of this science to diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nonionizing radiations of infrared and ultrasound are also used for diagnosis.
Diagnostic radiol ogy uses radiation, usually x-rays, to study the configuration of anatomical structures or the function of body organ systems.
Radioactive isotopes are used to obtain images of organ systems and functions. The accumulation of isotope in a tumor or an organ such as the thyroid is recorded by a suitable γ-ray detector attached to an electronic amplifier and recording equipment. The image of the radioactivity concentrated in an organ is viewed on a television-type screen and recorded on a photographic print.
Sound waves of 1–10 MHz are transmitted from a crystal transducer, and after amplification are displayed on an oscilloscope and recorded on a photographic print. The ultrasound pulses demonstrate organ structures such as the heart, liver, and spleen. Although the resolution is less fine than that obtained with x-ray, there is an advantage in that the ultrasound is nonionizing radiation. Ultrasound is particularly useful, therefore, in determining the size and degree of development of the human fetus. See also Ultrasonics.
Sonology is a neologism used to describe the study of sound. The word is also used in the field of radiology to describe the practice of medical ultrasonography.
Doctors Present Status :
- Specialist Radiologist in Medical College.