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Coaching Centre Kolkata, Y- AXIS |
We provide high Quality Coaching for Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry.
- Self Care, Self Improvement, the two most important area of a student's life are taken care upto atmost priority level.
- Weekly Achievement & improvement analysis.
- Fortnight interval gap examination for regular appraisal.
- We don't cramp too much student in a single batch so that each individual gets due attention and care.
- Guardian meeting each and every month.
- Student may start taking coaching here from as early as 10+ level to make their base and foundation stronger which help them in future.
We Start Coaching for : ICSE, CBSE From 10+ Level
West Bengal Board : Direct to Joint Entrance Level
Special care taken for coaching in Physics and Mathematics for WBJEE, AIEEE, IITJEE, ISC & CBSE.
Timing : 5.00 PM - 9.00 PM
Tought By IIT'ans. Study & Course materials are most up-to-date.
Few Salient Features: |
A) Student-interest- growing teaching, Communicative teaching and burdenless teaching; We have provided.
B) In maximum cases institutes take mock test at the end of the year within December to February. So the gap in preparation remains which can't be made up. To our opinion review shall be done more frequently, individually and grossly.
Very easy to reach from any nook and corner of North Calcutta, North Suburban Calcutta, Central Calcutta, Suburbs and South Calcutta.