AHC possesses the efficacy in conceptualizing the formation and development of Nursing Labs in different parts of the World. We provide technical , infrastructural and educational support to develop a Nursing lab and commence its effective functioning. Our support continues in the form of providing sufficient back up and necessary actions in the course of running of the Nursing Lab. What we consider as a dictum is that ‘ our support is not a destination it’s a journey ’.
We do possess the capability of formation and running of a Nursing Lab in every respect and are able to provide technical, functional and structural aid right from the floor map till the completion of the project.
We do have as associates experienced personalities for framing and execution of the internal designing section. They are experienced in providing internal designing consultation in a number of Countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka along with a number of Gulf Countries.
We do not restrict ourselves in providing whatever aid possible for development of a Nursing Lab but are ready to extend our hand of support in every respect for Hospital Waste Management. Our equipments, technical know how, above all our effort are beyond and question in this field. We promise the best and harmless procedures for managing the Hospital wastes.
Moreover last but not the least we try to keep the gentle touch of Nature and Culture in true sense in execution of whatever responsibilities bestowed on us. |