He graduated from Patna Medical College & Hospital after his M.B.B.S., he finished MS (General Surgery) from the same institution.
He received his training and degree in Cardiothoracic surgery from one of the premier institute of the country- Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Year 1994.
He further enhanced his qualification by obtaining Diploma of National Board (Dip. NB) in Cardiothoracic Surgery, under the National Board of Examination, New Delhi Year 1995.
He is nominated in the Faculty of Indian Ass. Of Cardiothoracic Surgery (FIACS)
Dr. Ghosh has various types of exposure in his long clinical practice. He has been associated with teaching experience as Lecturer/Assistant Prof. in the Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, CMC Vellore.
His overseas experience as Senior Cardiothoracic Registrar at prestigious University hospital, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney-Australia helped him to gain profound insight of complicated adult cardiac surgery procedures.
Dr. Ghosh has got now wide experience of more than 4,000 cases of open heart surgery. |
His area of specialization include beating heart surgery for CABG with extensive use of arterial conduits for target-vessels. He has dramatically reduced the cost of hospitalization by short hospital stay and quick recovery of the patient. His other area of specialisation include complicated valve surgery, adult congenital heart problems, paediatric heart surgery, aortic auersysm surgery etc.
He has got many pqpers of national & international seminars.
His paper presented in 1998 - Annual Conference of Australasian chapter of Cardiac Surgery at Nusha, Gold Coast, Australia was very well appreciated.
He has been in independent practice for the last 12 yrs mainly in Northern India. His last assignment was in METRO HOSPITAL AND HEART INSTITUTE, Noida and Lajpat nagar, New Delhi as a Senior Cardiac surgeon. |
Cardiovascular disease is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system, principally cardiac disease, vascular diseases of the brain and kidney, and peripheral arterial disease. The causes of cardiovascular disease are diverse but atherosclerosis and/or hypertension are the most common.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an important public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Associations between risk factors, such as smoking, dyslipidaemia or hypertension, and prevalent CVD are well documented. However, few studies have investigated associations with onset of disease.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an important public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Associations between risk factors, such as smoking, dyslipidaemia or hypertension, and prevalent CVD are well documented. However, few studies have investigated associations with onset of disease.
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