We in Divine Foundation provide treatment facilities for Drug abuse, Alcoholism and problems for Mentally challenged people. Our experienced staff will help you recover slowly and steadily from your disease. Kindly take a glance at our available facilities and speak to one of our Counselors who would be happy enough to guide you in aftercare when the treatment within the centre is over after a certain period of time. We also do family counseling by which a family members would understand how to deal with the person suffering from a particular problem.
Kindly browse our website for necessary details about Divine Foundation and always feel free to call us.
You can visit our centre and discuss freely about treatment and other facilities available through us.

  Overcoming an addiction to alcohol or Drug can be a long and bumpy road. At times, it may even feel impossible. But it’s not. If you’re ready to stop this and willing to get the support you need, you can recover , no matter how bad the addiction or how powerless you feel. You don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom; you can make a change at any time. Read to get started on the road to recovery today.  

What is the Cycle of Addiction? Drug and alcohol addiction research has clearly demonstrated that the addicted brain is chemically and physiologically different from a normal brain. The idea of addiction being a neurological disorder is critical to understanding its development, and the recovery process. Eventually, from internal turmoil and conflict, or through outside interventions, a person will seek to stop the addiction cycle, and enter into a healthier lifestyle called recovery. It may take months, years, or decades before this process leads one onto the path of recovery. An addict or alcoholic may understand the cycle of addiction, but will remain unable to break the repetition of the cycle, until they develop the insight to seek help. For some, this may mean entry into a religious organization, self-help group, or simply developing a better way of life. However, the vast majority of addicted persons require outside help, such as that given by counselors, physicians, and addiction treatment centers.

  For the initial treatment phase we do provide medical assistance through experienced Doctors, Psychiatrists and staff who would assist you inside the treatment facility, all day and night 24/7.  


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