Root Canal Treatment: |
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What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment (also called endodontics) is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury.
Why is root canal treatment needed?
If the pulp becomes infected, the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. If root canal treatment (RCT) is not carried out, the infection will spread and the tooth may need to be taken out.
Does it hurt?
No. A local anaesthetic is used and it should feel no different to having an ordinary filling done.
What does it involve?
The aim of the treatment is to remove all infection from the root canal. The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection. Root canal treatment is a skilled and time-consuming procedure. Most courses of treatment will involve two or more visits to your dentist. At the first appointment, the infected pulp is removed. Any abscesses, which may be present, can also be drained at this time. The root canal is then cleaned and shaped ready for the filling. A temporary filling is put in and the tooth is left to settle. The tooth is checked at a later visit and when all the infection has cleared, the tooth is permanently filled.
What will my tooth look like after treatment?
In the past, a root filled tooth would often darken after treatment. However, with modern techniques this does not usually happen. If there is any discolouration, there are several treatments available to restore the natural appearance.
What if it happens again?
Root canal treatment is usually very successful. However, if the infection comes back the treatment can be repeated.
What if I don't have the treatment?
The alternative is to extract the tooth out. Once the pulp is destroyed, it can't heal and it is not recommended to leave an infected tooth in the mouth. Although some people would prefer an extraction, it is usually best to keep as many natural teeth as possible.
Will the tooth be safe after treatment?
Yes. However, it is better to restore the tooth with a crown to provide extra support and strength to the tooth.
What about aftercare?
Root-treated teeth should be treated just the same as any other tooth. Remember to clean your teeth at least once a day, preferably with fluoride toothpaste. See your dentist for regular check-ups.
Why is root canal treatment done?
If a tooth’s pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected or damaged because of decay or injury, root canal treatment is often the only way to save your tooth and repair the damage. Endodontic treatment cleans out the infected pulp chamber and repairs the damage. |
Smile Designing: |
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Is every dentist able to create a smile?
In theory, most of them are. In practice, however, only few of them provides such a service, because, among other things, it requires special theoretical and practical knowledge. We recommend the services of a certified professional who has completed the accredited course on smile design.
Are only esthetic aspects taken into consideration during smile design?
Although the purpose of smile design is to create an esthetically harmonious smile, it should never interfere with the functionality of the teeth. It is the task of the dentists to always keep this aspect in mind.
Are there any medical risks associated with smile design?
A smile design procedure that complies with the professional rules takes the functionality of the teeth into consideration. The materials employed are generally used in dentistry, and there are no materials or techniques characteristic only to smile design. Therefore, the medical risks are the same as the general risks of dental interventions. During the realization of the smile design, ask for solutions that best preserve the teeth and the dental structures.
Can any kind of smile be designed for me?
In case of a good professional, the range of possibilities is quite wide, however, not unlimited. The character and harmony of your face must be taken into account. A good professional can find the smile harmonizing best with your face among thousands of smiles. The dentist must preserve the functions of the teeth, and certain changes may require disproportionately extensive interventions and surgeries.
How much does a smile design cost?
It depends on the initial conditions (that is, the condition of the original teeth), the needs, the extent of the intervention and, partially, the dentist. We recommend you to ask for a consultation and an offer from one of the professionals who have participated in our smile design courses.
Does smile design mean orthodontics in every case?
Not at all. There are cases, when the desired result can only be achieved by orthodontic treatment, but there are significantly simpler solutions as well, promising faster results.
What happens to my original teeth during smile design?
Procedures based on intact original teeth and minimally invasive techniques (preserving dental tissues) are the preferred methods during smile design.
Can I purchase the Smylist Professional smile design software?
The software has expressly been developed for dentists, and its use assumes a corresponding professional training. If you are interested in custom smile design, contact one of the professionals who have participated in our smile design courses.
How long does it take to design a smile with Smylist Professional?
The modeling itself (inserting different smiles and dentures into a photo of your face) takes only a few minutes. Reviewing the principles of harmony may take a little longer, as well as taking the proper photos.
Does Smylist Professional create a completely realistic smile design?
The design picture is perfectly suitable for selecting the appropriate smile type and character, however, due to its nature, it is not entirely realistic. The result is highly dependent on the quality (depth of field, resolution) of the photo and the light conditions. In certain cases, none of the 60,000 combinations gives a perfectly fitting template for the given mouth. Nevertheless, it can almost always fulfill its role of smile typification.
How can I find an appropriate professional if I am interested in smile design?
Please contact one of the professionals who have participated in our smile design courses. |
Cosmetic Dentistry: |
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How is cosmetic dentistry done and how much time does it take?
Smile makeovers are a skilful combination of various procedures like veneers, whitening, gum and tooth contouring, aesthetic crowns, gum depigmentation etc.
Treatment planning is the most crucial aspect for a successful outcome. This takes into account that each individual’s needs and expectations are different and a smile has to be designed, ‘tailor made’ for them. Since this is a blend of advanced science with an artistic flair, the aesthetic dentist performing this should have very high degree of expertise, experience, a natural ‘aesthetic eye’ and a passion for aesthetics to deliver an outcome that will exceed your expectations.
Smile makeovers can be completed within a time frame of 1 day to 1 week depending upon various factors.
- Our team of aesthetic dentists has been trained in various countries including U.S.A and U.K.
- We have performed over 5000 successful cosmetic dentistry cases.
- Our client list includes everyone from prominent celebrities, ministers, VIPs to students, housewives and corporate workers.
- In the right hands, smile makeovers are a onetime investment. We offer extended warranties on all our cosmetic dental work.
What can be corrected with cosmetic dentistry?
- Crooked teeth.
- Gaps between teeth.
- Teeth which are sticking out.
- Yellow or discolored teeth.
- Conditions where excess gums are visible while smiling – Gummy smiles.
- Dark gums.
- Ugly and artificial looking dental crowns.
- Other tooth defects such as fluorosis, tetracycline stains etc.
- Worn out teeth.
- Teeth which are disproportionate to the face (too big or too small) or with each other.
- Almost any concern with the smile can be corrected. Email us your pictures and we would be happy to help you out.
Dental Implants |
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How can I tell if I am healthy enough to have dental implants?
Generally speaking, if a person is well enough to undergo the treatment necessary for fixed bridgework or routine tooth extractions, the same person can undergo dental implant procedures. Also, patients may have general health conditions that would contraindicate implant procedures, although this is unusual. The best form of implant for you is determined after a thorough examination and discussion with your dentist and periodontist or oral surgeon. The amount and location of available bone is usually the major determinant as to which implant system is to be used, or whether you are a good implant candidate.
Where dental implants are concerned, are there risks of the body rejecting them?
When people hear the word "rejection" in connection with implants, they are usually describing conditions that can occur where there has been surgery that involves transplanting a vital organ such as a heart. However, dental implants fall into an entirely different category due to the fact that tissue matching, blood typing, etc., is not a factor as in the other procedures mentioned. The body completely accepts placement of dental implant material (like orthopedic materials which are similar) within bone; therefore, today's dental implants meet with great success. Obviously, there are some dental implants that have not been successful. However, success has more to do with proper patient selection, proficiency of the practitioner, and the patient's commitment to proper hygiene and preventive maintenance. Another factor in success involves regular follow-up care, just like other dental treatment. Both soft tissue health and the way the replacement teeth function and bite together must be evaluated periodically to ensure long term success of the dental implant.
How long will implants last?
How long do teeth last? They should last a lifetime. However, we all can sight examples where teeth have not served for a person's lifetime. We know that dental problems mostly stem from improper home care or lack of treatment when needed. The same holds true for implants. With proper care and routine dental check-ups they should last a lifetime. No one can give guarantees because the health of a person is dependent upon many factors which are out of the control of one's dentist, e.g., proper nutritional needs being met, proper hygiene, genetics, disease processes which might occur. So, the answer to this question really is that no one knows how long each individual implant will last... one's success can be influenced by the way you live and the quality of practitioner that you have chosen to do your implants... these things can tip the scales in your favor.
Do implants require special care?
Presume that dental implants are natural teeth and treat them that way. Return for regular check-ups. Brush and floss. Realize also, that caring for the gums is the best way to care for one's teeth. More teeth are lost as a result of gum disease than any other single cause.
Have heard that dental implants are experimental - is that true?
Absolutely not! Dental implants have a long history of use and success. Implants are the most thoroughly researched procedure in the history of dentistry and, while no procedure is 100% successful, the current technology has resulted in very high success rates in the hands of well-trained and experienced clinicians. Dental implants are carefully regulated by the FDA and a number of implant systems have been approved by the American Dental Association.
I've heard that dental implants are expensive. How much do they cost?
The procedure can involve a significant investment, with surgical fees ranging from $1,800 and up for a single tooth replacement (when the implant crown is added the cost is about the same as a conventional "3-tooth bridge") to $5,000 and up for replacement of multiple missing teeth. However, the cost of non-treatment can be considerably more expensive. Continual bone loss occurs from the wearing of full dentures (plates) and partials. This progressive loss of bone can eventually cause nerve exposure, jaw fracture and a complete inability to function with regular dentures. Correction at this point may be very expensive and can involve extensive bone grafts, which may require hospitalization and an extended recovery period. Placing implants before the bone loss becomes severe not only saves money in the long run, but also slows the bone loss process, increasing the likelihood of long term success.
Does insurance pay for dental implants?
Yes and no --sorry to be so vague, but some carriers pay for them, some don't, and some pay a portion of the costs. Most dental plans do not provide for the surgical placement of implants. However, many do provide some restorative benefits. Surprisingly, the best coverage often times can be through your medical insurance if you are missing all or most of your teeth. In this case the implant procedure may be considered jaw reconstruction with restoration of normal chewing function and sometimes medical insurance will cover all or part of the treatment. In many instances we have been able to help get significant coverage for patients, but unfortunately it is not very predictable. Our staff will work hard to see that you get the best possible benefit from your insurance. |
Braces Treatment |
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How long do braces have to be worn?
The total treatment times with braces usually lasts from 9 months to 5 years, but the average amount of time is 18 to 24 months.
Can I look cool in braces?
Oh yes.
Will I still be able to talk when I have braces?
Yes, standard braces should not affect how you talk or the sound of your voice.
In certain cases, the orthodontist may need to use an appliance that could get in the way of your tongue. You could experience trouble talking clearly for a day or two, but then your tongue will adjust and you'll be able to talk just fine.
Do Braces Hurt?
It depends on the type of braces you use. Old-fashioned braces will hurt many times. However, if you have modern braces, it is possible to have slight discomfort when they are first put on, and a day or two after adjustments.
Are all braces designed to be as pain-free as possible?
Unfortunately, no. Some orthodontists will only use old-fashioned braces. Dr. Kent practices the most modern techniques and works with each patient to achieve comfort during the course of treatment.
What is it like to have braces?
Generally, braces are "okay" to teenagers.
You can imagine how great the final results will be and you have friends and know other people who have really benefitted from braces.
When you get braces, your mouth can be sore for the first week.
Also, your mouth will be sore when the braces are tightened. However, with modern braces, you really shouldn't notice the them, except when the braces are being tightened or if you get hit in the mouth.
Treatment can be more uncomfortable if you get braces when you are 18 or older; your teeth may also feel like they are loose in your mouth.
Will braces cause sores in my mouth?
When you get braces, your mouth can be sore for a few days. Also, your mouth could be sore when the braces are adjusted. However, with modern braces, you really shouldn't notice them, except when the braces are tightened.
When you first get braces, you could experience some sores in your mouth. If you rinse the sores in warm, salt water, they will heal within a week or two. If your mouth is sore during the first week, you can put wax on the braces to prevent the braces from rubbing and irritating your skin.
Can I still play football, soccer and other sports if I have braces?
Absolutely. You can play football, baseball, basketball, soccer. You can still go bowling. You can still do everything (maybe not a pie-eating contest). Just wear a mouthguard for your sports, and try to not get hit in the mouth.
Avoid sports where you will get hit in the face (fighting, boxing, contact karate, snowball fights).
Will my ability to play the trombone be affected by my braces?
Be sure to mention your musical abilities (and your type of instrument) to Dr. Kent. He will give you lip protectors for your braces that make it possible for you to still play musical instruments.
Can I eat with braces?
Yes! You can eat most of the good things that you can eat now. The only issue is that your mouth will be sore after you first get braces, so for the first week or so you may only want to eat softer foods. However, after that you should be able to eat normally. |
Child Dentistry |
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What is a Pediatric Dentist?
A pediatric dentist has completed at least four years of dental school and an additional two years of residency training in dentistry for infants, children, teens, and children with special needs. Children are not just small adults. They are not always able to be patient and cooperative during a dental exam. Pediatric dentists are trained to examine and treat children in ways that make them comfortable.
At What Age Should My Child See The Dentist?
In order to prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist no later than his/her first birthday.
Why are The Primary "Baby Teeth" So Important?
Primary teeth are important for many reasons. They help children speak clearly and chew naturally. They also aid in forming a path and holding a space that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt. It is important to maintain the health of primary teeth to avoid problems with developing permanent teeth.
What is The Best Way to Care for My Teeth?
Begin daily cleaning as soon as the first tooth erupts. Use a washcloth or soft bristled brush and water until the child is about two years of age. After that use a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste on a soft brush but do not allow your child to swallow the toothpaste. Excess amounts of ingested fluoride can cause staining on developing permanent teeth. Children should brush at least twice a day. Supervise your child's brushing for best results.
How Do Dental Sealants Work?
Sealants are clear protective plastic coatings applied to the chewing surface (pits and fissures) of the back teeth to help keep them cavity-free. The sealant application is painless and can be completed in one visit. Sealants should be applied to permanent molars as they erupt to prevent decay. Sealants that are properly applied and maintained help protect the chewing surfaces of your child's teeth. The American Dental Association recognizes that sealants play an important role in the prevention of tooth decay.
What Should I Do If My Child Falls and Knocks Out a Permanent Tooth?
The most important thing is to remain calm and find the tooth. Hold it by the crown rather than the root. Put the tooth in a glass of milk if available; otherwise keep the tooth moist in water. Immediately take your child and the tooth to the dentist. Time is critical in saving the tooth.
Dentures |
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How do I know what new dentures will cost?
The affiliated practices providing AFFORDABLE DENTURES want you to know what fees will be charged before you come to the practice.
How can your fees be so low?
Having an on-site denture lab eliminates the added mark up that is charged by outside commercial dental labs. We eliminate the “middle man” and pass the savings on to patients.
With so many affiliated Affordable Dentures practices, we have cost-saving, volume-buying power for all our clinical supplies and materials.
Our focus on denture services allows us to standardize our treatment plans and denture fabrication. The practices operate very cost effectively.
Our practices are comfortable, but not luxurious - this helps keep our fees low!
Do you accept dental insurance?
If you have dental insurance, affiliated practices will provide an appropriate dental statement of services. While most practices do not directly file insurance claims, you save money by filing the claim yourself.
Since the Affordable Dentures fees are so low, the total cost for the services is frequently less than the co-pay you are required to pay to your insurance carrier if you go to another dental practice. The practice staff can help you calculate the costs so you can make the best decision.
When should I replace my denture?
Dentures will typically need to be replaced every five to 10 years. Patients find that the fit of their dentures changes over the years as their jaw bone shrinks. Since it is normal for your mouth to change and denture teeth to wear down, have them checked during a yearly dental visit.
How often should I visit the dentist now that I have dentures?
Even if you have lost all or some of your natural teeth, you should still visit your dentist once a year. The dentist will be able to evaluate the fit of your denture, offer suggestions for denture care and hygiene, and check for issues that may arise, such as oral cancer.
What if I have an emergency?
Most affiliated practices are able to provide same-day treatment for patients that are in pain and need EMERGENCY EXTRACTION SERVICES. Your health conditions and any medications you take will determine if extraction services can be provided.
How should I clean my dentures?
Daily care and cleaning of a new denture is very important to help maintain good dental health. For everyday cleaning, use a soft brush and a cleaning agent, such as soap and water, or products sold especially to clean dentures. Be sure to brush both the inside and outside of your denture. This will help eliminate harmful bacteria. We also suggest soaking your denture in water or a denture-cleaning agent when you take them out at night.
We strongly recommend that you hold your dentures over a sink filled with water when you clean them. This will help prevent breakage if you accidentally drop your denture. You may also want to cushion the sink and counter with a soft cloth or towel.
What if my denture is causing soreness on my gums?
It is not unusual for a new denture to create sore spots on your gums. Simply call the practice that provided the services, and they will let you know what time of day to return to have your denture adjusted. Adjustments help eliminate sore spots, and there is typically no charge during the first 60 days. Following 60 days, a small fee is charged for adjustments. |