- Age of Puja - 13 years (including this year )
- Theme conceived by - Mr. Shib Shankar Das
- Idol created by - Mr. Swapan Das
- Lights - Mr. Asish Saha & Baku Electric – Beliaghata
- Pandal - Constructed out of Bamboo, ply, Tin,paper,
Mud & Plaster of Paris
- Illumination - Normal with special effect.
- Puja Budget - Rs.18,00,000
- Budget for Social Work - 20% of the puja budget i.e. Rs.3,60,000
A) Sit & Draw competition among forty schools in kolkata-June 2013 : |
B) Distribution of Fruits/Sweets to 100 poor children of Dr.B C Roy Hospital at Phoolbagan on 15 August 2013 : |
C) Blood Donation Camp-4 October 2013 ( Indian Blood Bank-51 donors ) : |
D) Distribution of exercise books & pencials to the poor children in 4 October 2013 : |
E) Distribution of Garments/clothes to be made to the distressed children/women at the time of inauguration of our Club on 4 Oct. 2013 : |
F) Introduction of Club's own Ambulance for rendering hospitalization services to the local/city people. : |
G) Distribution of coins(Rs.2- & Re.1-) to BUS / AUTO as part of their daily requirement. |
H) Distribution of Mediclaim Certificate of INR 30,000- each to the workers(decorators / electricians /Dhakiswho reside in JangalMahal) of our Pandalon the inauguration day of our Durga Puja 2013. |
I) Club has taken responsibility to bear the expense of a student’seducation who had lost his parents in June 2011. |
J) Club has taken a joint venture with NABADIGANTA to impart education and cultureto the disabled childrenin order to bring them in the mainstream of our society. |
K) Lastly,we thank Olympian Shri Samar ( Badru ) Banerjee for his kind consent in inaugurating our club 04 Oct 2013 : |
L) Distribution of Garments/Clothesto the distressed children
(during inauguration ofour Durga Puja 2013) . |
M) Distribution of Dhoti to old men of our locality (during inauguration of our Durga Puja 2013). |
N) Distribution of Garmentsto SRISTI(NGO) for twenty orphans. |
O) Distribution of food(BIRIYANI/SWEETS/COLD DRINKS) to street children on the day of MahaAshtami. |
P) Distribution of Sarees to old women of our city (during inauguration of our Durga Puja 2013). |
Q) Distribution of Sarees to the wife of twenty-five workers (decorators/electricians of our pandal (during inauguration of our Durga Puja 2013). |
R) Free medical check-up camp (Dental) on November 2013 |
S) Legal Awareness Camp with the help of our Chief Advisor Mr. Prasun Kumar Dutta – Advocate for the poor / slum dwellers in December 2013 |