Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Association of
Phono Surgeons of India

Office Bearers

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Kabikanta Samantaray


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Gautam Khaund

Vice President

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Alok Karulkar

Hon. Secretary

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Soumitra Ghosh

Hon. Treasurer
Governing Council :

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Phaniendrakumar Velluri


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. PSN Murthy


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Jayakumar Menon


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. K. K. Handa


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar


Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Amitabha Roychoudhury

Journal Editor :

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Bhagyashree Bokare

Associate Editor :

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Anagha Joshi

Web Master :

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Gauri Kapre

Executive Members :

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Suma Susan Matthews

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Shama Kovale

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Ripu Daman Arora

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Chinmaya Sundar Ray

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Mahima Luthra

Association of Phono Surgeons of India

Dr. Sanjay Subbaiah