The Calcutta Orphanage was started in 1892 with only three orphans in a small rented house at 82/1, Upper Circular Road ( Presently Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road), Kolkata by late Reverend Bhai Prankrishna Dutta, a missionary of the Nababidhan Brahmosamaj founded by Brahmananda Keshab Chandra Sen. Ably assisted by his devoted wife Khantomoni Dutta, Pran Krishna Dutta worked as its superintendent upto the time of his death in 1909 when the institution had hardly attained his majority. After that under the able management of committees with personalities like sir R.N. Mukherjee as one of the Hony General secretary, the children here received outmost care. In the year 1902, the late kumar Manmatha Nath Mitra made a gift of 23 cottahs of land in Baloram Ghosh Street.
Calcutta Orphanage, the first home in Bengal for orphans and destitute children, has completed 102 years of its eventful existence and duting this long period it has withstood all tests of time through the unstinted support of people from all walks of life.
The institute which was established by renowned social worker Rev. Pran Krishna Dutta and his devoted wife has had the distinction of being associated with noted personages including Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Surendra Nath Banerjee, Sir R.N. Mukherjee and W.C. Banerjee. It was also patronised by many of ex-Governors of undivided Bengal and West Bengal like Sir John Woodburn, B.H. Gibson Carmicheal, Dr. K. N. Katju, Srimati Padmaja Naidu and others.
The Orphanage maintains and trains orphans both boys and girls and provides them with food, clothes, education, medical care, cultural and recreational facilities, apart from imparting vocational training which includes book binding, tailoring, embroidery, etc.