1) Construction of 2-storied building at
Dhamua – a milestone towards destination
2) In the beginning, a small bamboo-walled community centre was made and a school for local children’s education was run at a temporary shed in the interior village of Dhamua (South Bagnar, South 24 Paraganas, West Bengal, India). With the help of well-wishers and the community people, we have been able to make a 2-storied building which will serve as a Multi-Purpose Community Development Centre.
3) Preparatory school for children is now in the ground floor of the building and a new programme for the empowerment and self-reliance of adolescent girls and mothers is being developed. Children of the village are receiving non-formal education with regular nutritional support and free monthly medical check-up. There has been great positiveresponse from the local people who are of poor socio-economic background.