Services________________________________________________________ |
1) Women’s Empowerment |
Women play a crucial role in the strengthening and development of any progressive society. In our effort to recognize the contribution to our society, every year we celebrate International Womens Day by felicitating women who have contributed toward to development of the Girl Child in Prothsahan - an annual seminar on women's empowerment.
Prothsahan 2, our Annual Programme on Women's Empowerment was organized at St. Xavier's College Auditorium to celebrate International Women's Day.
The Programme was attended by NCMEI Chairman - justice MSA Siddiqui, who was the Chief Guest, His Grace Archbishop Thomas D'Souza, Bishop of Kolkata, Dr. Shabistan Gaffar, Chairperson - Committee on Girls Education, Mr, Eugene Gonsalves President (All India Catholic Union) Mr. Shane Calvert MLA and many other distinguished personalities of Kolkata.
Ten women from divergent professions were felicitated for their outstanding contribution towards women's issues and the education of the Girl Child.
International Womens Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of women all across the nation from across all professional domains.
A "Streedivas" Dinner was held on Women's Day to celebrate Women's Empowerment and their contributions to women's welfare in various fields.
8 women from divergent professions were felicitated at the event held at Haldiram Banquets. All women attending were presented with flowers and badges to commemorate the event.
In an endeavour to empower women from backward and impoverished background, Self-Help Groups were formed at mPanikhali, a village in the Sunderban areas. Women were given product training'a'nd were also instructed in marketing and selling their products to earn a sustainable living for their families.
2) Vocational Training
Unemployment, illiteracy and a dearth of jobs for young girls in the impoverished pockets of the city is something we come across frequently in the implementation of our various projects. There are also many girls who have completed high school but have no skill training. Keeping this in mind, we decided to open a vocational training centre for assistant nurses so that we could generate employment for those who have availed of this course. 30 girls from economically backward families have currently completed the course and have received their certificates.
A three week Vocational Training course for Cottage Industry products was conducted for women of the Self-Help Groups which were formed at Panikhali - a village in Sunderban. Women were taught to make Phenyl, chalk, jute products like dolls and, bags and mobile covers. They were also taught to make detergents and soaps and many other products.
Being aware of the acute shortage of jobs available, especially to unskilled youth, a Computer Training Centre was set up by uus in Seva Kendra Calcutta. Ten new computers were donated to the centre for the benefit of educated, but unskilled youth.
3) Relief |

Every year many of the places in north Indie become extremely cold during the winter season. The snowfall in Kashmir become extremely heavy in places certain place and habitation becomes impossible for the local inhabitants.
These locals then have to leave as living in these areas becomes impossible. Many o them move to the plains during these winter months and hence have no means of livelihood.
We from Open Arms Educational & Charitable Trust visited these temporary displaced settlers who had settled along with their, families under the Dakhineshwa Bridge. The plight of the families and pitiful conditions under which these settler were living was felt and we donated food grain, oil toiletries, and other essential ration worth R: 40,000/- to these displaced settlers who were being looked after by local welfare organizations of the Dakhniweshwar Bridge area.
As part of our organizations objectives to help those in dire need, we visited the victims of the Assam ethnic riots living in the open fields in temporary tents and make-shift huts covered by plastic sheets
It was a pitiful sight to see all the little children living in the winter in open fields. Open Arm Educational & Charitable along with the Rotary Club of Calcutta Conclave, some schools, well wishers and friends, we able to send the victims a truck load of essential relief materials and supplies to Assam. The local welfare organization of the areas received and distributed the materials to the displaced riot victims. |
4) Education |
Educational cost are a strong deterrent to poor students continuing their studies, as all the students of the free school are from impoverished families, we are constantly trying our best to get whatever financial assistance we for the financially disadvantaged students. Study Scholarships were given to students of the free school section in association with the West Bengal Finance Development Corporation.
We supported the Panikhali Welfare Development Corporation by paying the salaries of the teachers of the free school being run it and also donated chairs and tables for the school. An Adult Education program had also been started for the women of the village.
We set up a Bridge School for drop-out and young adult girls at Ahiripukur to help integrate them into main stream education. Amny girls from the no: 4 Bridge Area benefitted from this program.
We donated school bags, books and copies to Cossipore High School and distributed refreshments to the students.
We distributed school bags and water bottles to children from poor backgrounds in association with the Committee on Girls Education (NCMEI - Govt of India) and the local welfare organization.
We sponsor the education of 10 students from financially disadvantaged families studying in different school in the city.
We run an adopted school called Pearl Memorial School at Park Circus.
We distributed free text books, exercise copies, school bags and Tiffin boxes to our adopted free school at Ahiripukur in Park Circus. |
5) Medical
Medical expenses are spiraling each day and those from financially disadvantaged families are at their wits end trying to cope with medical expenses, especially the old and infirm. In our efforts to try and bring some relief to the senior citizens, especially elderly women, we have started monthly health check-ups for women from BPL families. Free general medicines are given subject to stocks available at our disposal.

Periodically we have organized a number of Blood Donation Camps in various schools and churches in and around the city. These camps were organized in association with the Catholic Association of Bengal.
We have also organized Mega Health Camps in Raja Bazar, Metia Buruz, Canning and Ahiripukur, where ECG, Blood Sugar Testing, Bl^ Malaria and Eye Screening was done for a large number of financially disadvantaged people. Subsequently, we also arranged for Cataract operations for a large number of patients from these camps.
We arranged a Mega Health Camp at Panikhali, a village in Sunderban and thereafter, arranged for Cataract surgeries for a number of patients. |
6) Children’s Initiatives |
Universally, the life style of children has undergone a perceptible change. Modern gadgetry such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, i-phones and social networking leaves the children very little time for extracurricular activities.
Our efforts have always been to encourage children to engage in physical activities and pursue creativity. We had organized a Sports Meet at Lady's Park on CIT road, for children of our adopted school. We believe these activities give students from small schools an opportunity to take part in athletics and feel the joy that children from more affluent schools experience every year.
We organized an Inter-School Sit & Draw Competition at St. Xavier's College Auditorium. There was an over-whelming response to the competition which was organized to encourage the budding talent and creativity amongst the new generation.
More than 30 eminent schools of the city participated in the competition and participating students produced some brilliant work.
A Fund Raising Exhibition-cum-Fete was held at Peter's Day School to help in the education of poor students from the free school and to encourage the women from Self-Help Groups formed in Sunderban. Many of the products made these women were sold at the exhibition.
It is always a pleasure to see the excitement on the faces of little children when they are invited to a party. An Iftaar Party is organized every year for under-privileged children at Ahiripukur, so that fhey can enjoy the festive spirit.
7) Donations |
On being requested repeatedly, we visited Gloria Dayanand Niketan a home and shelter for the children of prostitutes and other destitute children from red-light areas. One hundred kilos of rice, fifty kilos of pulses and other essential rations were donated to this shelter.
We have been requested on numerous occasions to try and secure employment for people, especially unemployed youth. To help them sustain their families, we had donated ten Cycle -Van for transporting small quantities of materials to ten unemployed youth from various parts of the city. We also donated Wheel-Chairs to the physically challenged during the ceremony.
On the 13th of September 2014, an additional eight Cycle-Vans were donated were donated to deserving youth by well-wishers at an event held at Seva Kendra Calcutta.
We donated a Flat screen Colour TV to Don Bosco Ashalyam, a shelter for destitute children working on railway stations. The Shelter is run by Brother Babu and his team of dedicated volunteers at Howrah. |
8) Distributions |
The winter season brings with it joy for some but untold misery for those ill-equipped for it. Numerous people sleep on the pavements of the city, some with tattered sheets and discarded woolens to shelter them from the bitter cold. Many poor children also have face a similar situation More than 600 blankets were distributed to children from under privileged homes, Madarsas and a free school in Ahiripukur. Blankets were also distributed to street dwellers and the inmates from Old Age Homes.
There are many areas in Canning where assistance is needed. We distributed saris to the destitute and elderly women from the slums. Mosquito nets were distributed to low-income families in Canning to try and protect them from Malaria.
Pearl Memorial School is situated in a locality surrounded by bustees of impoverished families struggling to make ends meet. All the children studying in the school are from financially disadvantaged homes. Free Text Books and Exercise Copies for the new academic session were distributed to underprivileged children of the free school at Ahiripukur in Park Circus.
With the day to day cost of living are escalating each day, those from financially disadvantaged families are finding it more and more difficult trying to cope with daily expenses, especially the those with senior citizens at home. In our efforts to try and bring some relief to the senior citizens, especially elderly women, we have started distributing monthly rations to women from BPL families. This is an ongoing project for the last two year. |
9) Mass Marriage |
The marriage of children is perhaps one of the most compelling problems faced by Indian parents. Female infanticide is in often a direct result of the responsibility of parents in getting their daughters married. In many cases, the entire family commits suicide due to financial difficulty in arranging dowry for the marriage of female children.
It has been found that many parents often go from house to house seeking donation for the marriage of the daughters. In numerous cases, girl children are sold and trafficked to avoid the expenses of marriage.
The organization of Mass Community Marriages presents a wonderful opportunity for girls from financially disadvantaged families to get married with all the fanfare of marriage ceremony and with dignity.
Mass Community Marriages provide parents of girls from low income backgrounds an opportunity of marrying off their daughters without having to borrow, or seek contributions from others.
Mass Community Marriages provide a platform for parents of all communities and religions to witness the marriage of their children without having to pay back some after the ceremony is over. It would be nice if responsible citizens of all communities contribute in whatever way possible to facilitate Mass Community Marriages for the mutual benefit society. |