- Running a vocational training centre and workshop at Sarsuna where women are also trained along with the persons with disabilities since the year 2001. At present 20 adult male and female students are undergoing Vocational Training in the Centre.
- Running a special school since the year 2002 for education with various therapeutic activities through regular classes and integrating our students with special needs with normal children in regular schools.
- Working as District Level Resource Organisation (DLRO) of the Sarva Shiksha Mission, Kolkata since 1st July 2004, having a jurisdiction of 380 Council Schools covering 45 numbers of Kolkata Municiple Corporation Wards and 50 Primary Schools of the Corporation.
- Running a food processing unit in association with Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. for employment and rehabilitation under-privileged women and those with disabilities.
- Running a Residential Care Unit under the "SAMARTH" Scheme of the National Trust.
- Running a 'Day Care Clinic', 'Respite Care Centre' and 'Home Based Training Programme'.
- Running a play clinic at Sarsuna and conducting art, yoga, music and dance classes at Arya Samity Hall, Behala.
- Promoting social integration through various cultural programmer, art competition and sports activities.
- Attending exhibitions and fairs for sale of the products prepared iin the vocational centre.
- Promoting group activities through organising picnic, outings, interaction amongst members and also the general public.
- Imparting training for self-developement and discipline through Sab payechir Asar as an affiliate member.
- To uplift our mental strength and inculcate motivation, we organise a Study Circle amongst our members and outsiders.
- We provide guideline to other affected parents for the facilities and rights available for their special children.
- We arrange for self-advocacy for development of self-confidence of the children with mental disabilities.
- We work hand in hand with other social services organizations and help them in activities like rallies for benefits of Thalasaemia patients, blood donation camps, clean Kolkata programmes.
- Our students participated in Special Olympics at the National level and also in canada and USA. Ranjan Dutta, one of our Students, participated in the Special Olympics held in Sanghai, China in the year 2007 and won a Gold Medal for the Country.