This part should include some history about Pal Decorator & Caterer and the mention of the major events that it has taken. I need inputs to write this up. |
Wedding : Marriage is the grandest of all ceremonies. And to complement a grand marriage one needs a sumptuous feast. Tadarokee comprises an excellent crew of experienced chefs specific to cuisines, be suited stewards and servicemen to look after the guests and expert decorators and artists to decorate the tables at all levels. Tadarokee also maintains a good stock of traditional and modern utensils and cutleries. With enormous experience of the market and myriad taste through various levels of the society Tadarokee offers the most optimized and efficient solution to its clients. In Tadarokee we vouch to give the best service in a grand occasion like wedding, with superlatively hygienic service. Our services are thoroughly appreciated everywhere. |
Kitty Party : Kitty Parties are although smaller in scale in comparison to big social ceremonies yet they demand quick, tasty, light and subtle dishes that make each one them unique. Our research has strengthened us with an extremely large repertoire of such party dishes which have gained a lot of popularity in the community. We understand the pulse of such parties and deliver according to the mood that the party demands. Hygienic packaging with punctual and measured delivery is our forte and we take great pride in our services. |
Corporate House/Social Parties : Party normally would not call for any occasion. From big corporate house conference parties to social gatherings, a great party is never great without a grand buffet on the offering. We have been serving such causes for quite some time now. Such parties normally would have multi ethnic crowd of guests and we know exactly the combinations of exotic dishes with the traditional ones that can satisfy such a guest crowd in the most effective manner. Our services as many would say are priced lesser than our competitors yet they are at par with the bests in the business. |