1. Research studies reveal that children of alcoholic parents are four times vulnerable to addiction than other children. |
2. Those children who suffer from behavioral problems like lying, stealing, abusing or picking up fight are prone to addiction in later life. |
3. Curiosity. |
4. Association of friends specially during time of celebrations or in functions. |
5. Western influence specially induced by TV of films. |
6. Sadness, depression and helplessness. |
7. To extend professional courtesy. |
8. When one feels physically or mentally weak. |
9. Insecurity or loneliness. |
10. Insomnia. |
1. Is easily excited. |
2. Suffers from cough, nausea & aches all over the bodies. |
3. Suffer from swollen and redden eyes. Lives very untidily and is lazy. |
4. Clothes and body bear burn marks, body seems to have been pricked by needles in various places. |
5. There is little or no interest in work or sports and game. |
6. Sudden deterioration in health. |
7. In the addict’s house there are lot of burnt matches, burnt foils, syringe, candle, tablets and tube of adhesives or empty liquor bottles. |
8. Presence of mew found friends frequenting his house. |
9. Shutting himself or herself behind closed doors. Spending too much time in the toilet. |
10. Sudden fluctuations in appetite. |
11. Thief of money or valuables from house. |
12. Get involved in debt and loans. |
13. Taking medicines without any reasons. |
14. Frequent lying. |
15. Tendency to make excuses and to deceive. |
16. Suicidal tendency. |
- Aches all over the body, specially in the stomach.
- Running Nose
- Vomiting sensation
- Indigestion
- Shaking of limbs through tremors
- Low in inspiration
- Indecision or frequent changes in decision
- Whimsicalness
- Depression
- Loneliness
- Irritability
- Extreme anger
- Too aggressive
- Insomnia
- Irrationally fearful
- Spending maximum amount in substance of addiction.
- Low earning
- Loss of job or livelihood.
- Loss of money and also property
Disruption of relationships with own family members and close relatives. Tendency to pick up fights and lying. Resort to stealing or other criminal activities to procure the substance of addiction. This can also lead one to jail. |
In the Rehabilitation centre patients are de-addicted through a scientific process and medication under the guidance of psychiatrist or a specialist in mental disease. For mental problems a trained psychologist can bring about a change in behavior through proper counseling. Also a thorough check-up and medication is done by competent physicians. Even after discharge from the rehabilitation centre the patient must taking medicines as directed and take counseling and stay in touch with the rehabilitation centre. |
At the outset it must be realised that addiction is a kind of mental disease which requires treatment. More often family problems often is a cause for addiction and we need to be aware of this. Addiction can never be cured through use of force or threat also to be suspicious of children is also not desirable. This can do further damage and lead to more addiction. Patience is essential as the process is time taking and rehabilitation often take a minimum period of 4-6 months. |
Instead of attempting to treat the addicted individual themselves, guardians should consult a specialist. They should perceive the addicts actual condition and be sympathetic towards them. Their personal advice will not help matters. It must be remembered that the addict is a human being like the rest of us. Also alcohol is should not be viewed as a personal weakness but as a social curse. |
1. Headache sometime very severe, burning sensation, feeling restless or tense. |
2. Burning sensation all over body, numb feeling, weakness and pain in various part of the body. |
3. Fits or epilepsy, fainting, shivers or tremors of head, feet of shoulders. |
4. Despondency, depression, fatigue, lack of mental peace, disinterest in work and suicidal tendency. |
5. Tension, restlessness, irritability, palpitation, body tremors, excessive sweating, breathlessness irrelevant or illogical behavior. |
6. Inability to fit in the domestic environment or the workplace. Hysteria or fearful approach. |
7. Inability to sleep, loss of appetite, forgetfulness, stomach problems (indigestion or flatulence) irregular or poor bower movements. |
8. Insanity, rage, excessive suspicious tendency reticence or taking senselessly, talk to one self, laugh or cry alone, careless about self grooming, be a recluse, talk too big, illogically & have a very wrong notion. |
9. Obsessive compulsive disorder like washing of hands or checking & rechecking certain activities, mind fixed on certain ideas for long. |
10. Child’s lack of physical or mental development, lack of concentration in studies, confused mind, fear of school and excessive naughtiness. |
11. Different problems related to sex. |
12. Addiction to medicines that corex, alcohol, heroin and sleeping pills when given up creates nerve problems and unsuccessful attend at medication. |