It is Nashville, USA. International Urogyn Association. He was Invited Faculty. One of few Asians.
Prof. B.N.Chakraborty's Blessing
Laparoscopy Surgery
Laparoscopy Surgery
National Fellows
Fellowship in a NATIONAL FORUM
Prof. S Biswas Awarded by VC , Prof. B Biswas
With Dr. Gautam Khastagirh
with VC, WBUHS
Team Bengal Society
With Scholar of The Year, London
Bogs, Blood Donation Camp
Confering Award To Endocrinologist, Dr. Subhankar Chaudhury
With Prof. B N Chakraborty & Dr. Basudev Mukherji
With DME, Prof. D Bhattacharyya
Deliberation in Unicef Programme
With minister Sashi Panja
Invited Faculty in North Bengal
Health Camp
Single Mother, 2 Uterus, Gave Birth 3 Children by CS