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Hawan & Puja

Hawan & Puja

A Homa or Havan is a sacred fire ceremony in which various forms of the Divine gods and Demi-gods are invoked in a sacred fire that has been kindled according to the guidelines in the Vedic scriptures.

Certain special offerings are made into the fire while Sanskrit Mantras are chanted. The combination of the powerful energy of the fire and the Sanskrit mantras creates extremely auspicious and purifying vibrations that are beneficial to all who attend the Homa. The smoke that rises from a Homa contains a powerful healing energy, and as it rises to the heavens it purifies the atmosphere, both physically and subtly, encouraging a peaceful environment and gentle weather. Every kind of negative karma can be purified by the sacred Homa fire, due to divine grace.

Hawan & Puja Hawan & Puja
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