Across the world, some things never change- such as the inherent nature of children. Children are innocent, vulnerable, dependent, curious, active and full of hope. What does change is the circumstances they are faced with and the situations they live in.
This is what makes children on the street different from others around them. They are faced with the demons of physical danger, poverty, hunger, homelessness, epidemics and illiteracy. These children are often found as orphans, engaged in hazardous work and petty crimes or end up as victims of prostitution and sexual abuse.
The center was established with the aim to protect rights of the children inhabiting slum areas, including the right to protection, basic education, proper healthcare, a healthy environment, livelihood opportunities and participation in decisions which affect their lives. For children to realize their full potential we provide -
• Knowledge
• Information and guidance
• Surroundings to cultivate good human values
• Develop innate creativity through different programmes at the Residential Institution.
“Rupayan” is a residential rehabilitation center where children are given
• Education in local schools
• Holistic facilities for development
• Safe shelter, caring & empowering environment
• Nutritional diets, medical care, counseling
• Curriculum for development of human values
• Spiritual development
• Recreation
• Integration into family life
• Support and love regardless of race, gender, religion, etc.
“Rupayan” (Street Children Project) was established in 2007 at the same venue and at present working under Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth. V.V.M.V.P. is registered as an Educational & Charitable Trust where many charitable & humanitarian work is going on in all over India. “Rupayan” connected to V.V.M.V.P. is working under the aegis of Art of Living, is entrusted to provide 80G certificate on request for any donation of substantial amount (Cheque/Draft is to be issued in the name “Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth”) |
To follow H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s quote – “Just information is not education. It is culturing our behavior and attitude. It is our ability to perceive things better. Perception, Observation and Expression – the three aspects of education have to be improved.”
“Rupayan” is to provide sustainable development for the underprivileged children through -
• Provision of education,
• Vocational training,
• Health awareness and service,
• Shelter & nutrition,
• Counseling,
• Recreation & rehabilitation,
• Capacity building, and
• Economic & spiritual growth regardless of race, gender, religion or politics
• Integration into family life.
The Centre’s mission is to provide proper education to the underprivileged children, which will help them to become responsible citizens of our society and thereby contribute towards a safe and healthy living. |
• To protect the rights of the child,
• To provide proper education to improve their behavior and attitude with improvement of their perception, observation & expression,
• To create awareness about ill-effects of substance abuse among the children, their families and the society at large.
• To evolve and provide a whole range of community based services for the identification, motivation, detoxification, counseling, aftercare, rehabilitation and vocational training for street children.
• To bring about all round development in the underprivileged children with congenial environment and therapeutic input/classes necessary for their up-liftment. |
1. Residential facility : |
The center provides safe residential facility to the children
• 4 (four) bedrooms,
• 1 (one) dinning space,
• 1 (one) hall room along with 3 (three) outside verandas having view of greenery,
• 4 (four) toilet cum bathrooms.
“Aquaguard” is used for drinking water, fire extinguisher is available and sanitation, drainage & sewerage systems are maintained on a regular basis. |
Thumbs –up after a celebration |
Children enjoying with kites |
2. Non-formal & Formal Education : |
The inmates are initially imparted non formal education. During this period the children also go through an intensive orientation on behavioral and attitudinal change & use of proper language to change their old patterns while they were living in the slums. This is imperative before they are sent to formal schools. After that they are formally inducted into formal education in local government schools.
Part time tutors visit the center to help the children on different subjects. |
3. Nutritional Diet : |
The diet provided to the children maintains a weekly routine which help to improve
• Physical growth & development,
• Build up strength,
• Promote resistance to infections and,
• Give plenty of energy.
The diet includes nutritional rich foods like milk, vegetables & fruits, health drinks (Ojasvita etc.), besides the usual foods like rice, dal, roti, etc. summing up to 4 proper meals a day.
Note: - Biscuit, Milk & Banana are given daily at 7.00 a.m. after morning prayer & a refreshment is given daily in evening at 6.00 p.m. |
4. Spiritual therapy : |
The goal of holistic therapies is to restore the body & mind to its naturally healthy state. Our practical experience shows holistic therapies like Yoga & Meditation, Art Exel Course, Bal Chetna Shivir, YES Course, etc., have been gaining greater mainstream acceptance to correct the "imbalance". It is a program of spiritual awakening & rejuvenation and refreshment of body, mind and soul. |
Children doing daily yoga & meditation |
6.00 A.M. To 6.10 A.M. |
Prayer |
6.10 A.M To 7.00 A.M |
Self cleaning, Room Cleaning, Bathing, etc. |
7.00 A.M. To 7.45 A.M. |
Yoga, Pranyam & Meditation |
7.45 A.M. To 9.20 A.M. |
Studies |
9.20 A.M. To 9.50 A.M. |
Tiffin |
9.50 A.M. To 4.30 P.M. |
School |
4.30 P.M To 5.00 P.M |
Rest |
5.00 P.M To 5.30 P.M |
Play (Indoor / Outdoor games) |
5.30 P.M To 6.00P.M |
Tiffin |
6.00 P.M To 6.30 P.M |
Satsang |
6.30 P.M To 8.20 P.M |
Studies |
8.20 P.M To 9.00 P.M |
Television Watch |
9.00 P.M To 9.40 P.M |
Dinner |
9.40 P.M To 10.00P.M |
Discussion & Prayer |
10.30 P.M |
Go to bed / Lights Off |
5. Free Medical facilities including Medicine : |
Medical Practitioner visits the centre for health checkup & in case of any emergency situation the local doctors are contacted. Weight, height growth etc. are regularly monitored. In case of major illness, proper treatment is provided. |
6. Counseling for Children : |
There is a residential Youth Leadership training Programme (YLTP) Teacher as well as a visiting Art of Living Teacher who does regular counseling of the children. |
Exhibition of drawings by “Rupayan” boys |
“Rupayan” boys with their Teachers & Counselors |
7. Skill Building Activitiess : |
Performance of “Rupayan” boys at Sri Sri Academy |
1. Art & Craft: The caretakers train the inmates on skilled handicrafts.
2. Art Excel Course
3. Yoga & Meditation
4. Physical Exercise
5. Dance with Music & Songs
6. Drama
7. Games & other activities including Cultural Activities
Activities include -
• Daily sessions of Yoga, Meditation and Satsang,
• 2 visiting teachers provide guidance to the boys in their studies after school
• Boys are also learning drawing under the guidance of a visiting drawing teacher
• A visiting dance teacher trains the boys in Indian dance
• Another visiting teacher trains the boys in handicrafts
• The boys are exposed to AOL courses like ART Excel.
The residential and visiting teachers guide the boys to differentiate between right and wrong things in life and train them to become loving and responsible persons of society. Over the last few years, the boys have achieved Cadet Status of NCC, attended trekking expeditions under the guidance of professionals and have also been highly appreciated by the authorities of the school they attend. |
Visit to Tea Factory |
Visit To Darjeeling |
Visit to Subhas Mela & children enjoying different rides |
8. Life-skill Education : |
Vocational training is being conducted with the help of residential vocational trainer. |
9. Training Programme : |
The Superintendent and the ward boys were provided training on Child Psychology and how to handle children with difficult background. |
1. Boys have attended National Cadet Corps (NCC) 2013 camps upto Zonal level training held in Jhakhand in the year 2013.
2. Attended trekking expeditions under the guidance of professionals.
3. Ranked 1st in athletics in a competition among 18 government schools in Kolkata. Inmates have participated in Sports Authority of India (SAI) training also.
4. The boys performed yoga and gymnastics on ETv Bangla. The boys also perform on stage for different occasions on a regular basis.
5. Few boys ranked 1st/2nd in their classes who were first generation literates from their family.
6. Some of the boys after completing their school education are perusing higher studies and few are undertaking job oriented course. Some of the boys are employed also today. |
1. Superintendent : 1
2. Caretaker : 2
3. Part-time tutor : 2
4. Drawing teacher : 1
5. Spiritual teacher : 1
6. Cultural teacher : 1 |
It works only on Donations from good Samaritans who want to help these boys come out their traumatic lives and can go back to society after attaining the age of 18 yrs as good Citizens of India.
Though we can cover upto 80% of our present expenses (approx Rs.60,000 per month) through donations, we are sure finance will not be a problem to run such project on humanitarian ground. Expenses are regularly audited and yearly audit is being done by External Auditor. |
Expansion Plans / Way Forward : |
At present, the centre is managing with 2nos. x 800sq.st apartments where space is insufficient. Besides, there is a requirement to increase capacity due to current demand to support more such street children because of the traumatic life they lead.
The expansion requires to start with accommodation for 30 children which require more space & area. There will be provision to expand there itself so that we can cater for upto 60 street children. They will be staying at the Centre till 18yrs of age and then return to society as productive members.
Plan for the same with all the architectural drawing is ready. Ten (10) katha land (7,500sq.ft.) has been procured for the new project of “Rupayan” where there will be provision for expansion so that starting with a capacity of 30 children we can increase the capacity upto 60 children at an amicable time.
Board of Directors / Management : |
The present Management group is as below (the group members change every 2 years): |
• Sri Tapan Banerjee |
- President |
• Sri Shailendra Singh |
- Secretary |
• Sri Jhilam Saha |
- Vice President |
• Sri Baldo Daga |
- Executive Member |
• Sri Anup Agrawal |
- Executive Member |
• Sri Subhas Roy |
- Executive Member |
• Sri Nabaprasun Banerjee |
- Treasurer |
Information being collected in a Format before admission of any child |
1. Name
2. Present Age
3. Birth Certificate
4. Medical history.
5. Background of education (if any) before joining Rupayan.
6. Description of Achievement
7. Name & address of parents
8. Interview of child & parents (if possible) in 3-4 lines describing why the child requires help and why should he be admitted to Rupayan.
9. Family history (whatever available)
10. Photo |