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What are piles (hemorrhoids) ?

Piles(hemorrhoids) are enlarged, bulging blood vessels around the anal canal and lower rectum. There are two types of piles; external and internal, which refer to their location.

EXTERNAL(outside) piles develop near the anus and are covered by very sensitive skin. If a blood clot develops in one of them, a painful swelling may occur. Generally they do not produce any symptoms other than a clot in them. Very rarely an external pile may rupture and bleed profusely. Some times a fissure sitting over an external pile can also bleed profusely.



Internal (inside) piles develop about an inch within the anus beneath the liningof the rectal mucosa.

Painless bleeding while passing stools and protrusion are the most common symptoms. However, an internal pile can cause severe pain if it - protrudes from the anal opening and cannot be pushed back inside.

Internal piles are graded according to their severity into four grades.


What causes piles (hemorrhoids) ?


The upright posture of humans alone forces a great deal of pressure on the rectal blood vessels, which sometimes causes them to bulge. Other contributing factors include


  • genetic predisposition
  • constipation or diarrhea.
  • Pregnancy
  • aging
  • Overuse of laxatives or enemas; straining at stools.
  • Straining at stools regularly

Whatever the cause, the tissues supporting the blood vessels becomes weak. As a result, the blood - vessels dilate; their walls become thin and bleed. If the stretching and pressure continue, the weakened veins protrude.


What are the symptoms?


If you notice any of the following, you may have piles( hemorrhoids):

Bleeding while passing stools.

Protrusion while passing stools.

Itching in the anal area.

Pain - only in advanced stages.

Sensitive lump(s).


Do piles leads to cancer ?




There is no relationship between piles and cancer. However, the symptoms of piles, particularly bleeding, are similar to those of colorectal cancer and other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is important that all symptom are investigated by a specialist doctor trained in treating diseases of the colon and rectum. Do not rely on quacks(unauthorized and unqualified practitioners) or other self-treatments.


How are piles(hemorrhoids) treated?

Early grades of piles - do well if Straining at stools and constipation are relieved. Sitting in hot water bath or applying cold packs helps in reducing congestion .


In cases of severe, persistent pain, due to a clot in the pile, your doctor may suggest to remove the clot with a small procedure. Performed under local anesthesia as an outpatient, this procedure provide immediate relief.


Hemorroids require treatment depending on thier severity and intensity of symptoms .Single important symptom which require attention is bleeding. sometimes they bleed so profusely, that it cuases anemia.


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