Climb Kiddo

Climb Kiddo

Climb Your Dreams

Kindergarten School in Kolkata

A Wonderful Environment where Children can Learn & Grow


We at Climb Kiddo acknowledge individual differences and promote diverse and exciting paths of self-motivation for the tiny tots to their way to maturity. These innovations are based on the fundamentals of pedagogy and child psychology. The protocols and methodologies followed are based on the “Montessori methodology” closely resembling the modern educational ideas of constructivism.

Climb Kiddo is a joy land where Kids can do all the Necessary Activities for their Growth with the Academic support given by Experienced Teachers. We have focused on Children’s Physical as well as Mental Health by following the Philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori. The development of Independent thought ,Creativity, Character, Effort and Personal Discipline within Safe and Professionally managed School Environment is well looked after.