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West Bengal nearly three percent of the nation's cultivable land and about eight per cent of the country's population. It produces more than eight per cent of the food of the country. The agricultural sector is characterized by the predominance of small and marginal farmers tilling more than 68 per cent of the total operated area of the State. The average size of holding here is less than one hectare. Since the scope for bringing more area under cultivation is limited emphasis has been laid mainly on increasing the productivity of different crops by using quality seeds, fertilizers, plant protection measures as well as improved packages of practice and distribution of surplus and vested land, to the actual tillers, through land reforms.


The cropping intensity in the State has also been increased from 131 per cent to 162 per cent during the last two decades. The State has achieved an all time record in food grains production and ranks first in production of rice in the country. Remarkable progress has also been made during the last one decade in the production of oilseeds which increased from 0.24 million tones to 0.55 million tones during the last decade. The State produces nearly 28 per cent of the total potato grown in the country. In terms of productivity it stands second. West Bengal also produces more than 60 per cent of the country's raw jute fiber. The State has achieved a three per cent per annum in the production of rice and 12 per cent per annum in the production of oilseeds.


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