Our programme & activities are designed for ensuring Child Rights.
 1) Recent big achievement:
Dhamua construction: a milestone towards destination
A big community center has made in place of a bamboo walled small school with temporary shed running for local children. Ground floor of the building is already completed and the first floor is about to complete within another couple of months. The schools is already shifted in the ground floor of the building while a new programme has been planning for mothers and adolescent girls for making them empowered and self reliant. Children are receiving non formal education with regular nutritional support and monthly free medical treatment facility. Huge positive responses are coming from the local poor people of socio-economic background.
2) Education Programme:
Prep Center: non formal education center for street & working children, where they are provided with free educational materials & nutritional support and they get prepared for admission into local Govt. Schools;
Back up Support Center: tutorial center for school goers admitted from prep centers to minimize school drop out rates, where they are provided with allied educational materials.
Shikshalaya: non formal education programme for deprived children, where they get prepared for admission into local govt. schools;
Adult Literacy Center: center for grown up to make them literate and aware. General health, legal rights, environment have also been discussed in this center.
3) Skill Development Programme:
SSG: small saving group for distressed women who can take loans for using in their income generating activities (business).
SHG: self help group to create a suitable atmosphere within the community by making them an active earning members of their families.
Vocational Training Center: for women and adolescent girls run to make them prepare to be a member of production center by making them earning member of their families.
Production Center: run by trained selected women from the vocational training center who can carry on business of their own.
4) Health Care Programme:

Eye Camp: for the children coming to our schools; free medicines have been provided to this needy people. Special & emergency cases are referred to related hospitals.
Health Clinic: Homoeopath & Allopath clinic runs especially for the poor and needy children, women and widow within the community thrice a week where D.H.M.S. and M.B.B.S. doctors facilitate the programme. Medicines have also been provided free of cost. Regular Health Awareness programmes measuring preventive health care are also organized within the community with the presence of these doctors.
Health Check up Camp: for the children coming to our schools; fr ee medicines have been provided to this needy people. Necessary steps also have been taken for special cases.
Nutritional Support: small tiffin /cooked food are provided to all the children coming to the Prep Centers. Mid Day Meal has been provided to all the children coming to Shikshalaya centers.
 5) Women’s Empowerment Programme:
Monthly Mothers meeting in each & every centers are organized to increase their awareness level. Free legal aid services and financial services are also provided to helpless women and widows. They are encouraged through income generation programmes to make their own sustainable development by making them conscious about their Rights.
6) Capacity Building / Social Awareness Programme:
Various programmes are organized for local educated & unemployed Youth from distressed Communities, Young & Adolescents at-risk, Community Volunteers & Staffs on cross-cutting Socio-cultural issues, e.g., Child Rights, Human rights, Dowry problems, Women in Domestic violence; Life skills based Education (Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.,) to create an enabling environment through Networking & Advocacy at city level.
Various national & international days are observed to create mass awareness within the community. Rallies, seminars, workshops on different relevant issues are also organized time to time.

7) Conflict Resolution & Peace Building Programme:
Training & Workshops organized by the organization to minimize conflict in various everyday situations followed by peace building. This is a unique activity of the organization where the participants are educated about Conflict Resolution and Peace Building by creating awareness so that they can utilize it in their practical life situation through identification of conflict and establish peace.

8) Some other programmes:
The organization has also been practicing some good practices over the years such as –Scholarship programme for destitute children and widows, Financial Assistance for marriage and funerals for poor and needy persons, Environment Preservation Programme, Value Oriented Programme, Population Education and Relief services after Natural disasters etc.