Now a day’s many people have a wrong Conception about Astrology. Now a day’s most of the people don't have faith on Astrology, but astrology is somehow true, astrologer may be incorrect. Because many of them depriving public lie their ill power or magic. To them Astrology is just like a deep dank. To become an astrologer you must have a vast knowledge on Time, Education, Philosophy, Spirituality, Space, Plane too and also about Plan, Headlines and Footages.
Without that how can you calculate ones present and future?
Such as when a baby born immediately the time factor reflects. Then the question is what is the date? What is the day? Which planet effects them? What is the Rashi? What is the star? And what will be his/her appropriate name according to the stars. It will tell his/her future.
Next step will began from his/her education point of view; The life will become haphazard if the proper guidelines will not be given to the child .So firstly I see about him that his/her mother language is strong or foreign language is strong.
Secondly in which subject he will get Interest or in which subject he has a good neck. In a word I do educational counseling too. I will have to calculate, which will be good or bad for his/her education. Astrology will help the students by giving them support to overcome their lead-time of years.
The next step is of income status. Thirsty his Planetary positions , Plan lines , Time factors , Birth Latitude/Longitude , Stars , Day, Educational status indicates what work he can do or in what profession will he engage? Or which will be the better one? If service denotes his Tate then what kind of service will he get? Is it Governmental or Semi-Governmental or Private? It can be forecast by the help of the calculation. It can give you a clear conception about when or in what division the since will happen.
Sanely in the case of lousiness and profession same thing can forecast. In case of individual income factor if any problem comes. I can help to overcome all the problem by the help of Astrological calculations. Many times it happens that according to the demand of the profession or business it does not expand and that time people loss time and energy both. In such cases what will he do? In that case I will help them give as such prefecture which will help them to prepare them to solve and overcome from that position without frustration.
Next about his mutual life how will his marital life good or lead? Brides Birth latitude/longitude , Stars, Planet and Birth Month have a vital federation to it. I can tell at a glance that when or which date of the month his or her marriage should be done. I always try that both the families of Bride and Groom becomes happier after the marriage along with the Bride and Groom.
From the beginning till the end, the life is depending upon Astrology. Honestly, knowledgeable Astrology can gives you right Advice, Stones, Root plants can be used as remedies lout it is not astrology it can be use sometimes.
The main factor is counseling after counseling if it is needed them it can be used neither not.