Our Faculties : |
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Mantu Debnath:
Mantu Debnath, since childhood had a flair for creativity, which he could best express in the form of dance. Thus he started training in different dance forms of Indian Classical dance,under the tutelage of the maestros like Guru Sri Nripen-close associate of Uday Shankar, Raghavan Rao and Guru Govindan Kutty for Kathakali, Rajen Bose and Ram Mohan Mishra for Kathak, and N. Pandwinatham for Bharatnatyam. However, not being satiated, he further went on to learn the traditional folk dance form of Mayurbhanj Chhau underJanamjai Saibabu.
After this rigorous training, Mantu associated himself with 'Ananda Shankar Centre for Performing Arts' as a Senior Teacher, and travelled extensively both within India and abroad with his troupe. In the meantime, he also got the prestigious opportunity of being appointed as External Practical Examiner for degree course in creative dance undertaken by Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. He is also the Examiner of Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh Board and Surabharati Sangeet Parishad, Kolkata. He is a Teacher with the Indian Dance Research Centre, Kolkata, and Lalit Kala Kendra, Salt Lake.
He runs a school of dance Sodepur Nupur Dance Research Centre, where he religiously trains innumerable students in both classical and creative forms of dance.
Mantu, since the last 20 years, has won many accolades for his finesse in performances and artistic accomplishments, which gets reflected in his choreography. He has carved a niche for himself as a dancer at the national and international level through his outstanding sense of improvisation and exceptional aesthetic. |
Somdutta Debnath:
Somdutta, at a very early age, started her training in dance at Children's Little Theatre, Kolkata. Her formal training of classical dance of Odissi started under the guidance of Sutapa Dutta Gupta and Poushali Mukherjee. She also took training of Bharatnatyam in Kalamandalam style. Later, to harness her skill in creative style of dance, she joined the Ananda Shankar Centre for Performing Arts, Kolkata.

Since her childhood, Somdutta, had been keen on a career as an Anthropologist or an Executive. Though she had an aptitude for the fineness of art and culture, never did she envisage being a dancer. However, fate had something different in store for her. Right after her marriage to Mantu Debnath, she, with earnest encouragement of her husband, took up dancing professionally. Both she and Mantu together started the Sodepur Nupur Dance Research Centre in 1992 with 14 students, which has gradually flourished to a renowned dance school with about 300 students to its credit.
Somdutta is not only a noted dancer but has also an acclaimed choreographer in the field of advertisement and a trainer of models. |

Tanima Chakravartty:
Tanima Chakravartty has been learning Bharata Natyam under the guidance of Guru Kalamandalam V.R. Venkitt and Smt. Preetha Venkitt, Kolkata. She has taken lessons from Guru Amita Dutt and Smt. Luna Pan in Kathak and Guru Muralidhar Majhi in Odisi. She has attended workshops under Pandit Birju Maharaj in Kathak and Guru Khagendra Nath Burman in Bharata Natyam.
V.R.Venkitt, born on 7th July 1958 graduated in Kathakali from Kerala Kalamandalam, the State Academy of Fine Arts, Kerala under the eminent gurus - Kalamandalam Vijayan, Kalamandalam Raman Kutty Nair and Kalamandalam Padmanabhan Nair. He also specialised in Bharatnatyam from the renowned guru Smt. Thankamani Kutty. Having emerged as one of the foremost exponents of Bharatanatyam and Kathakali, he has been inerted to perform all over India and abroad. V.R.Venkitt emerged as an exponent of Strivesham in all the relevant female roles and the role of Lord Krishna the also received a special invitation to perform in the Kerala Kalamandalam diamond Jubilee Celebration. He has also successfully participated in the famous dance festivals like the Chidambaram Natyanjali festival in Tamilnadu and the Bharatanatyam festival in Bombay , Ahmedabad and Delhi Darbar. He has also left his mark in Tapan as a deft performer, choreographer and Teacher. He is also a Top graded artist of Doordarshan and his programmes have been telecast on the national network along with the BBC in London, He is a senior Lecturer in Kathakali department at the Rabindra Bharati University of Kolkata.
He happens to be the Hony. Principal of Uma Memorial Kalalayam, an organisation founded for promoting,
popularizing, performing and imparting training in the classical dance forms of the South.
Amrit Khatua:
- Complete 5n year course in Bharatnatyam(Chandigar).
- Passed MA in Kathakali Dance from Rabindra Bharati University under guidance by Kalamandalam
V.R. Venkit on 2005.
- Taken departmental scholarship in kathakali 2005, (Form UGC)
- Now examiner in Kathakali Dance at Rabindra Bharati University.
- Also perform drama with actor Soumitra Chatterjee in India and aboard.
- Went to London 2007
- Attend many workshops under by Thankuinuni Kutti, Govindam Kutli, Rina Jana,Pradhan & others.
- Also perform with my guru and solo in different part of India and aboard.
- Went to perform with my guru in Kerala Kalamandalan (Silver Jubilee 2006).
- Perform with Monipuri Nartyanalaya under guidance by Kalabati Devi & Bimbab different part of India.
- Perform Haldia Festival 2005, Uday Sankar Festival 2008, Nalanda Festival 2009 etc.

Debabrata Chakraborty
• Debabrata Chakraborty Bharatanatyam Dancer and Teacher
• Student of Guru: kalamandrlam Venkuitt (Gncema Kalalayam Kolkata)
• Performance: All over India. Artest of Doordarshan (T.V) Kolkata.
• Performance at Kerala Kalamandakm Dumand jublee celebrations udaya Shalkar Nrutsha |
Nandini Sinha:
Nandini epitomizes the classicism of the illustrious "Lucknow Gharana" which represents grace, charm and vitality of the very living form of the dance. She specialized in Kathak under the tutelage of eminent Kathak exponent Pt. Vijay Shankar. Nandini is fortunate enough to acquire the finest nuances of dance form, under the doyen of Lucknow Gharana Pt. Birju Maharaj in guru shishya-parampara. She is exposed to the wide range of Indian Classical dance forms and having the privilege of participating in the major choreographies of: Pt. Birju Maharaj, Pt. Vijay Shankar, Kumudini Lakhia, Rani Karna, Dr. Balmurali Krishnan, Pt. Ram Mohan Misra,Smt. Kalanidhi Narayan (Abhinayasudha) and Nana Gleason.

Nandini spellbound the audience as a soloist in Indian festivals as well as abroad, like in Spain, USA, Canada, Germany, U.K, Australia and Indonesia. Her own choreographic works were also highly claimed nationally and internationally. Besides being an external examiner of Rabindra Bharati University, Nandini is a recipient of the Senior National Scholarship under the Ministry of Culture and Fellowship from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Her dissertation for this is "Contribution of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah to Promote Kathak as a Secular Dance Form."
Khatak Dance: “Khatak” means khata or story-telling. Khatak as dance form is quintessence of the eternal story of life in all its aspect. Originating in the unending green of the Indo-Gangetic plain of India, Khatak found its way from the divine arches and courtyards of temples to the georgeous courtrooms of Kings and Royal Nobles. Over the years, Khatak has imbibed the serenity as well as the opulent grandeur of Indian civilization. It is the most popular open ended Indian classical dance style with considerable scope for improvisation, which may not always be possible with other classical dance forms.
It was under the tutelage of the last Nawab or ruler of Oudh , Nawab Wajib Ali Shah, a well-known lover of art and culture, that Kathak of Lucknow “Gharana” or style witnessed its most creative development. Kathak is the only classical style which has been influenced both by Hindu as well as Islamic traditions. Its themes are both devotional as well as secular. The rich and varied traditions of this dance have been further enriched in recent times by a succession of eminent “gurus” and artistes who have left their stamp on the dance form.
Nandini merupakan contoh klasik dari gambaran “Lucknow Gharana” yang mewakili keagungan, pesona dan kekuatan dalam menari yang sangat hidup. Ia mengkhususkan diri dalam Kathak dibawah pengawasan Pt.Vijay Shanker, seorang pengajar Kathak. Nandini cukup beruntung untuk mendapatkan nuansa tari yang terbaik, di bawah doyen Lucknow Gharana Pt. Birju Maharaj dalam guru Shisya-parampara. Ia memperkenalkan bentuk-bentuk tari India klasik secara luas dan memperoleh hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam koreografi Pt. Birju Maharaj, Pt. Vijay Shankar, Kumudini Lakhia, Rani Karna, Dr. Balmurali Khrisnan, Pt. Ram Mohan Misra,Smt. Kalanidhi Narayan (Abhinayasudha) and Nana Gleason. Nandini mempesona para penontonnya sebagai penyanyi solo dalam festival-festival di India, juga di luar negeri seperti di Spanyol, USA, Kanada, Jerman, Inggris, Australia dan Indonesia. Karya koreografinya telah diakui secara nasional dan internasional.
Selain menjadi seorang penguji tamu di Rabindra Bharati Univesity, Nandini adalah seorang penerima Senior National Scholarship dari the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, dibawah ministry of Culture and Fellowship. Desertasi yang dibuatnya untuk memperoleh beasiswa ini adalah "Contribution of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah to Promote Kathak as a Secular Dance Form."
Tari Khatak: “Khatak” berarti khata atau mendongeng. Khatak sebagai sebuah bentuk tari, merupakan inti sebuah kisah abadi mengenai kehidupan dan semua aspeknya. Berawal dari dataran hijau tanaman Indo-gangetic India yang tak ada habisnya,, Khatak menemukan jalan dan takdirnya dari kuil sampai ke ruang pengadilan para raja dan bangsawan yang mengagumkan.
Selama beberapa tahun, Khatak telah memperoleh kedamaian sama seperti kebesaran peradaban India . Khatak merupakan bentuk tari India klasik yang terbuka untuk improvisasi dalam batasan yang dapat diterima, yang mana hal ini tidak selalu dapat dilakukan untuk bentuk tari klasik lainnya.
Selama berada di bawah pengawasan Nawab terakhir atau penguasa Oudh, Nawab Wajib Ali Shah, yang dikenal sebagai pecinta seni dan budaya, Kathak Lucknow “Gharana” menyaksikan perkembangan kreatifnya. Kathak merupakan satu-satunya corak klasik dimana hasa-nya telah dipengaruhi oleh tradisi Hindu dan Islam. Tema yang diangkat merupakan pengabdian kepada Tuhan dan juga hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan duniawi. Kekayaan dan keragaman tradisi dari tarian ini telah diperkaya akhir-akhir ini oleh “guru-guru” dan artis yang terkenal, yang telah memiliki nama besar di dunia tari. |
Ranjana Dutta:
Ranjana Dutta was never drawn towards the run of the mill kind of an education.That is the main why reason she chose to enroll herself in Rabindra Bharati university as a first year student in the department of dance and culture.Later in 2000 she completed her Masters securing first division and also topping the university.
She was a pupil of the famous Odissi dancer Shri Kelucharan Mohapatra and later on also had the opportunity to be trained by his daughter-in-law Sujata in the field of Odissi.
She Later under the guidance of Dr.Mohua Mukhopadhyay earned her P.hd.
She was nominated as a Fellow in an University grants commission project.She also involved herself in the various folk dances of Bengal and the other parts of India.She
Actively participated in several dance workshops both in India and abroad.Her dance recitals have been highly appreciated and has endeared her well towards her audience.