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Dr Sudipto Mukherjee is amongst top-notch orthopedics in India, currently serving patients' needs as an Associate Consultant Surgeon at Peerlees Hospital & BK Roy Research Centre, Kolkata. He has voluminous experience in all kinds of joint replacements primarily hip, shoulder, knee elbow for close to 25 years.

Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics (usually spelled orthopaedic surgery and orthopaedics) is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders.
Thesis: Functional assessment of unstable Trochanteric fractures managed by dynamic Hip Screw and Trochanteric stabilization plate.- Accepted by National Board of Examinations, Delhi
Workshop: Arthroscopic Surgery of Knee Joint, Kolkata
Seminar on Innovations in Femoral Nailing, Kolkata
TRAUMA : Hands on experience in Closed Reduction and ORIF/CRIF of various extra articular and intraarticular fractures including external fixators, latest nailing systems, MIPO techniques, advanced instrumentations such as locking plates.
Joint Replacement Surgeries : Assisted in over 300 replacement surgeries per year with Dr.P.K.Banerji since 1994.Dr P.K.Banerji happens to be a pioneer as regards arthroplasty and this Hospital is J&J Centre of Excellence for Arthroplasty.
Arthroscopy : Trained in various arthroscopy procedures round the knee such as menisectomy, ACL reconstruction, and PCL reconstruction and assisted around the shoulder arthroscopic surgeries and other joints such as ankle.
Spine Surgeries : Hands on experience in surgeries for PID, Fracture of the spine, Koch’s Spine. Assisted in various surgeries like anterior instrumentation for Koch Spine, Posterior instrumentation for fractures of spine and spondylolisthesis correction and ALIF.
Ilizarov : Operated and assisted in treatment of Gap and infective Nonunion, deformity correction and bone lengthening.
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