- Workshop on arthroscopic Surgery of Knee Joint – February 1992 at Calcutta.
- I have worked in St Stephens Hospital tis Hazari New delhi and CMRI Kolkata.
- AO International course on “Principles in Operative Fracture Management” (AO Basic Course), September 1996 at Calcutta.
- AO International Course on “ Advances in Trauma Management” (AO Advance Course ) March 2004 at New Delhi
Seminar on Innovations in Femoral Nailing – June 2004, Kolkata
- Seminar and Hands 0 on – workshop on Locking compression Plate – September 2004 , Kolkata
- Symposium on LCP Distal Humerus & LDRS – June 2009 , Kolkata
- CTLS (Comprehensive Trauma & Life support) course at Kolkata and successfully cleared the same – August 2009.
- AO Trauma Advanced Symposium on Fixation of Osteoporotic Fractures – September 2009, Kolkata
- IOACON 2009 November 2009 Bhubaneswar
- “Advances in Joint replacement surgery” Ranawat Orthopaedic research Foundation conference – January 2010
- Participated in live surgery demonstration of PFC sigma PS150 India launch at CMRI along with Dr P.K.Banerji in November 2012 Annual Indian Arthroplasty Society meet at Kolkata .
- Participated as delegate in Indian Association for hip and Knee Surgeons Annual conference at Kolkata April 2013
- As Faculty AO Trauma Foundation, Introduction course Burdwan Februay 2014
- As Faculty AO Alumni All India Conference Kolkata 2014