Jadavpur Jeevan Jyoti Foundation |
The year 2013*14 has been very eventful and passed quickly, week by week, month after month with exciting activities all over we have began our journey for the service of mankind many years ago.
It is indeed pleasure for me in involving myself, once again, with various ongoing activities of JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION.
As one of the foundation members of JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION, I used to share my thoughts, vision and common dream of making JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION, a peoples organisation, a platform for meeting of the poor, for their own upliftment, a platform for interfaith and multiracial amity, a platform for inter * party solidarity for the betterment of the common people of the country and thereby of the World.
The collective hard work of development partners along with women, men and children has given new hope and determination to go ahead with forward march for much better individual and community life, in friendly environment, free from ill health, illiteracy, unemployment and exploitations.
1 am deeply touched by the dedication and sincere services rendered by the every member and non member by the dedication and sincere services rendered by the management committee. May their services be more successful in the coming years by the Grace of the God.
Since I was named Secretary from the inception itself. 1 have had the immense privilege of working with some of the finest developers in education, health, and women empowerment and may other aspects and supporting their work with whatever fund was available. I am enormously appreciative of the opportunity presented to me. 1 am confident that the responsibilities as rewarding and 1 will provide outstanding leadership. "We tend to bet on people even more than the project itself." Hence, we have concentrated the resources whatever it may be that have come to us from on programs of women empowerment, community health, ami trafficking, micro credit endeavour, water and sanitation and various other developmental projects.
On the whole the Organisation have confidence that we its active workers participation and it's their knowledge about the community has improved our organisations motto. Committed as we are to the wisdom of the research community, we have on our own initiative identified several geographic regions for special attention. The first is our home village in Kolkata District-, where we have expanded a bit of our definition of "development" to include selected "health, education, women empowerment, water and sanitation and overall community health" reform and dissemination projects. We feel a particular obligation to be helpful to the village that supports us. particularly as it wrestles in an imaginative manner with urban society.
Finally, we have extended our international efforts in seeking grant programs to prepare the next generation of community health programmes in Kolkata.
We are trying to work collaboratively with several other foundations. A perplexity that continues to challenge us understands the dynamics of health practice. We have supported charitable dispensaries that focus on school community health concept, others that concentrate on acquisition of knowledge in social dispensary, and many that combine the two. We have encouraged doctors from various fields of practitioners and traditional researchers, as well as combined teams of both. As we predicted when we began this focus, responding to strong encouragement from the field, the fund, which we seek, will not answer definitively or in the shortgun all questions about the nuances of community health practice* Ours will be an ongoing development, immensely richer in capturing the reality of community health and other developmental programmes. Much remains to be done in educational, community health, water and sanitation, women empowerment, gender issues and right to justice, and I am delighted that my colleagues at the JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION are dedicated and have rendered their valuable time in the organisation difficult time.
Secretary :
Mission :
Inspired by Swami Vivekananda concern for (he less fortunate, the Societies mission is the alleviation of human suffering — a lofty charge with endless possibilities. To translate this vast goal into manageable and meaningful day-today practice, the board of directors has selected priority areas upon which to focus its efforts, including Basic Health Care. Food Security. Economic Empowerment, Blindness. Water Development, Early Childhood Development, and Education, Domestic Violence. Homelessncss, and Substance Abuse.
Objectives :
- Taking part in promoting education for the children hailing from destitute families
- Making people aware of the rights, duties, responsibilities as an individual, a villager, a citizen
- Providing preventive, promotive and curative health care services for the people in general and women and children in specific.
- Empowering the rural women through micro-finance and micro entrepreneurship development programme
- Imparting vocational training for rural youth with a view to making them self - supportive including acquiring skill suited to their needs, priorities and capabilities
- To provide support to the vulnerable person materially and emotionally
- To initiate an appropriate early child hood development and rehabilitation of the children with disabilities including older persons
- Promotion of local resources to function as self-sustaining development units
- Integration of crop cultivation, agri - horticulture, agro -forestry, livestock rearing and fish culture and increase their production
- Building confidence amongs the target groups to create their own resources and recycle those in sequential manner for sustainability
- Overall improvement of socio-economic conditions of the target community including
basic health measures, education, empowerment, etc.
During the drug awareness camp organized by Kolkata Police from I6lh June till 26lh June 2014, Jadavpur Jeevan Jyoti Foundation had participated as always, and has been awarded by the organizations for the exceptional service and treatment facilities provided to the patients/clients during the camp.
Operational Units:
Jadavpur Jeevan Jyoti Foundation operates with 3 units in which one unit is dedicated for Detoxification (Male), Rehabilitation unit (Male) and ladies unit solely for female clients comprising of detoxification along with Rehabilitation.
Year |
Type of Work |
Strength |
2009-14 |
Treatment facilitation for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. (Detoxification cum Rehabilitation) |
(Individuals) |
Do |
Outreach and Awareness Programme |
68 |
Do |
Free Detoxification camp |
04 |
Do |
Kiosk and Camp |
38 |
Do |
Vocational Training |
150 |
Health Care Programme :
Many villages in Kolkata District specially in the areas nearby to Jadavpur block is been observed they arc till date deprived of a simple basic health facilities, though the Government boost of health facilities in the area, but in fact all are in figures not in fact, JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION felt the reason that this poor people need immediate health intervention and they have no trust to the modern Trust due to previous experience regarding exploitation of their socioeconomic status which eventually made the scenario worse.
■ JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION is trying to change the scenario with its health care programme where people can get basic medical aid including some medicine free of cost* JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION didn't stopped here it grew in having faith from the people whom we have served with many other programmes such as HIV/AIDS awareness and counseling, Promotion of Nutritional food for the children as well as babies. Family Welfare awareness programme. Adolescent health. Eye health. Helping to rehabilitate for the disabled and overall health education camp which we have always gave emphasize in giving priorities to the above mentioned programmes.
JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION also installed some safe drinking water tubewells and low cost latrine to reduce the water borne diseases and diseases occurring from the environment.
The people suffering with general sickness were referred Govt. Hospitals for treatment, HIV/AIDS awareness programme has been taken up for proper sensitization among the masses.
Training Programme :
To upgrade the skill of youlhs along with giving emphasizes on women section in regards to income generation opportunity. JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION has been conducting Training Programmes for the past few years successfully, with help from various agencies including some fro the Local and State Government.
The training programme includes both on the field and of the field. Apart from the vocational training programmes, sponsored training programmes are also held with closed support from the local government institutions, schools, colleges. CBOs, etc
JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION has been continuing its effort on conducting vocational training in various field, such as jute bag making, jute rope making, jute carpet and mat making, radio and television repairing, computer educational programme, carpentry, honey production, tailoring, etc.
The training programme is the vital part of our focus in integrated rural development approach, its currently running by full local contributions, but still there much need that to do as the reserve fund for it quickly drying out.
In our training programme we subjects covered from various range viz.. SHG Leadership Training, Agriculture. Poultry. Tailoring, etc.
Following are some of the innovative Training programme which arc been taken up by the Trust;
- Dance Training
- Mobile Repairing Training
- Motor Driving Training
- Computer Training
- Tailoring
Social Welfare Programme:
The role of JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION and their participation in social welfare activities for underprivileged schedule casie families has been recognised by the people both as an important resource as well as to emphasis that social problems and social issues require active participation of the community* The policy of the JADAVPUR JEEVAN JYOTI FOUNDATION has been not merely to implement social welfare activities but also to promote, stimulate and develop them and to provide opportunities to train their manpower so that the commitment of community is mobilised for the well-being of the community. The investment in programmes also helps the Organisation lo join the mainstream of national concerns and national programmes which are intended for the well-being of the underprivileged sections of society.
Make a difference by donating.
- Will pay for transport, food and accommodation for a downtrodden person to come and stay at a clinic
- buys the educational materials for higher studies
- pays for a income generation
- buys a large item of vocational training programme
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