15th August, our Independence Day was celebrated at Rotary Sadan with fervent spirit. District Governor Mr Ajay Agarwal graced the occasion and unfurled the National Flag at 9.15 am. Despite the rain and the cloudy weather, 120 students of the Cultural Section of the Club turned up to make present a vibrant event.
There after, an Art exhibition was inaugurated at the Rotary Sadan by the District Governor, Rtn. Ajay Agarwal, PDG. Rtn. Prabhat K Rohatgi, Centenary President Purnendu Roychowdhury and Hony. Secretary Anusua Das, PP. Nilima Joshiby lighting lamps. Other Rotarians who could attend that day were PP. Haladhar Dey, PP. Saumen Ray, Rtn. Kirit M Patel, Rtn. Sanjib Basu, Rtn. Amit Ghosh,Rtn. P. S. Chauhan, Rtn. Debashish Biswas, Rtn. Shampa Ghosh, Rtn. Debjani Ghosh and her father, Rtn. Bodhi Brata Das, Rtn Dr. Dilip Saha.
and his wife, Spouse Jawahar Joshi, Rtn. Amrita Banerjee. The exhibition displayed the artwork of the students ranging from Colorful Paintings, Charcoal Sketches to Graphic Sculptures. Fellow Rotarians were so impressed with the Art Collection that many of the Artefacts were purchased immediately. |