Dr. Deb Kumar Majumder

MBBS, DNB (Orthopaedics)
Fellowship in Shoulder and Sports Injury
Fellowship in Joint Replacement

Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery to treat shoulder problems, including shoulder impingement, should instability and rotator cuff tears. The procedure usually takes less than 2 hours. Many people can go back to work or school in a few days. For more complex surgeries, recovery may take longer.

Is shoulder arthroscopy a major surgery?

An Arthroscopy can be major or minor surgery based on the indications. Usually one day stay in hospital is adequate for shoulder arthroscopic procedures.

What is the recovery time for shoulder arthroscopy?

Recovery can take 1 to 6 months. You will probably have to wear a sling for the first month. If you had a lot of repair done, you may have to wear the sling longer. You may take medicine to control your pain.

When is arthroscopy of the shoulder needed?

If you have arthritis, shoulder pain from an injury,shoulder instability, pain due to constant wear and tear of your shoulder over time, or some other condition that affects your shoulder joint, your consultant may recommend a private shoulder arthroscopy if more conservative treatments (rest, physiotherapy, etc.) have failed to improve ...

What is an arthroscopic approach to the shoulder?

It can be performed from the beach chair or the lateral decubitus position. This technique uses a 2-circle approach: the surgeon first evaluates the glenoid aspect of the joint space, followed by the humeral aspect of the joint space. This method ensures a complete and consistent evaluation of the glenohumeral joint.

Do you get stitches after arthroscopic shoulder surgery?

Depending on the medicine you had during the surgery, your entire arm may feel numb or like you can't move it. This goes away in 12 to 24 hours. You will have sutures (stitches) and a bandage on your shoulder. You may be able to take off the bandage in about 3 days, or when your doctor tells you.

What should I avoid after shoulder arthroscopy?

For 2 to 3 weeks, avoid lifting anything heavier than a plate or a glass. You need to give your shoulder time to heal. Your arm may be in a sling. You may need to use the sling for a few days to a few weeks.

Is a shoulder arthroscopy painful?

You can expect some pain and discomfort for several weeks after surgery. If you have had a more extensive surgery, however, it may take longer before your pain subsides. Ice will help relieve pain and swelling. Your doctor may prescribe pain medicine, if needed.

Can a shoulder arthroscopy fail?

When an arthroscopic shoulder surgery is not successful, patients often report continued pain, stiffness and joint disability. The exact symptoms vary for each patient based on original shoulder injury and the surgical procedure performed to repair the joint.

Can you travel after arthroscopic shoulder surgery?

A general guide to follow: Avoid flying within 2 days following arthroscopic surgery. Avoid flying within 2 weeks following open shoulder surgery, or fracture surgery. Avoid flying for 6 months following total hip replacement surgery.