The location of the various planets during a person's birth, can be mapped scientifically through an astrological horoscope. According to it, certain planets will be well positioned, some will be unfavorable and some will give mixed results. Every person's life is therefore, the result of this cosmic design, this planetary arrangement seen in the sky at the time of our birth, which originates and result by activities and actions during our previous lives.
Vedic astrology opines that karma is not eternal and can be changed. There are several ways to balance or enhance our planetary karma. Its methods include meditation (the greatest balancing method), physical postures (yoga), medicine (Ayurveda), wearing of gemstones, color therapy, prayers, rituals, herbs, food, architecture (Sthapathya Veda ).
Vedic astrology deals with seven visible planets and two invisible ones: the SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, and SATURN, along with the two lunar nodes, RAHU (ascending lunar node) and KETU (descending lunar node). These nodes are the two intersecting points of the solar and lunar planes as seen from the earth.

Nine astrological gemstones are associated with these planets. Associated with the Sun is the RUBY, with the Moon is the PEARL, with Mars is the RED CORAL, with Mercury the EMERALD, with Jupiter is the YELLOW SAPPHIRE, with Venus is the DIAMOND, with Saturn the BLUE SAPPHIRE, with Rahu the HESSONITE GARNET, and with Ketu is the CAT'S EYE CHRYSOBERYL. Associated with the nine planets are also the days of the week, different parts of the human body and different metals.
Someone might think that this correlation between the planets and its correspondent gems has no scientific validation and it is perhaps the result of blind superstition and religious belief. However, there is a scientific truth behind Planetary Gemology.
The specific studies on this matter has shown that the cosmic color spectrums emanated by the different planets, are similar to the color spectrums of the correspondent gems.
The cosmic energy of the planet is reflected on the human body through the gem and creates an effect by absorption and reflection of the rays and vibrations. The gem acts as a filter and produces good or evil effect, depending on the need of the body.
Like the crystals used in radio technology are the fundamental constituents of transmitting, receiving and transforming invisible energy into sound, thus the crystalline structure of gemstones attract and condense the cosmic, planetary energies that rain from sky to earth and transform them for use by the human physiology.
By keeping the proper gemstones in touch with the body, profound and significant changes can take place overtime.
To conclude, now more than any other period in history, where the knowledge and technology of natural gemstones has reached a peak, a divine, cognitive science is again made available to anyone to fulfill mankind’s dream of life free from problems and negativity.
Natural, very effective and magnificent gemstones that demand no will power or effort whatsoever, are available now to transform our lives radically.
Gems are scientifically fascinating too. Gemmologists make a complete study of each stone, both as it is found in the rocks and after it has been cut and polished. That is why during the formal study of gemology, both aspects are given due importance. This makes them able to distinguish between two similar looking stones, one of which may be fake. The science of gemology looks at these minerals by way of their crystal structure and the physical properties. Everybody interested in buying gems (for whatever purpose) should have an idea of these properties.
Hardness --- One of the key qualities of a gemstone is hardness. This means how well a gemstone resists scratching. Higher the hardness, more durable is the stone. Diamond is the hardest gemstone known and has been assigned hardness of 10 on Moh’s scale of hardness. The Talc has been given lowest hardness of 1 on this scale. All gemstones are rated in between 1 to 10.
Specific Gravity--- This property shows the density of the gem. In common parlance it shows the weightiness of the gem. The greater the specific gravity, the heavier the gem will feel.
Crystal shapes--- This can give a definite clue about the gem’s internal structure and is used by experts to differentiate between fakes and original gems.
Optical Properties--- These properties are also used by researchers and experts to differentiate and decide about the ways of cutting and polishing the gems.
Ruby is the name given to red gem quality corundum. These can be of varying shades of reds to pink. The best rubies are those, which have mystical deep red colour. The finest rubies are found in Burma. Thailand, Afghanistan Vietnam and Pakistan also produce bright rubies. India, USA Australia and Norway also produce rubies which are dark to opaque at times.
The chemical composition of ruby is Aluminium Oxide and the formula is Al2O3. The specific gravity is 4.00 and the refractive index is 1.76-1.77. The hardness of ruby is 9 with a crystal structure of Trigonal.
Ruby increases the heart’s strength, body flexibility, vitality, tissue regeneration, mitosis, circulation, protection from psychic attacks, immunity. This stone decreases inflammation, bleeding, infectious diseases, typhoid, bubonic plague, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, schizophrenia, heart attack, diabetes. It restores the balance of nerves, liver, spleen, heart, thymus, spinal column, adrenals, cholesterol.
Ruby is the stone for Sun and is a precious stone. The semi precious substitute for Ruby is Red Garnet.
Red Garnet is called Almandine in gemology and its composition is Iron Aluminium Silicate with chemical formula as Fe3Al2(SiO4)3. The specific gravity is 3.77; Refractive index 1.86-1.87 and a hardness of 7.5 having a crystal structure of Cubic. This is found in garnet Mica schist and has worldwide occurrence.
Red garnet increases vitality. It decreases anaemia, inflammation, depression, psychosomatic illness, haemorrhaging, inflammation, bleeding, gallstones, kidney stones, anxiety. It helps in restoring balance of blood circulation, hormones, thyroid, white corpuscles, spinal fluid, pituitary gland, spleen.
Pearls are formed in shellfish- especially oysters and mussels. They are formed as a natural defence against an irritant, such as a piece of grit. Layers of aragonite called nacre are secreted around the irritant and then it gradually builds up to form the pearl. Pearls vary in colour from white, white with a hint of pink, brown and even black. This depends upon the type of water and other ambient factors. Natural pearls have been found in Persian Gulf, Gulf of mannar in Indian Ocean and Red Sea for very long time. These days in Japan and China pearls are made through culture.
The chemical composition of pearls is Calcium carbonate with conchiolin and water. The specific gravity of pearls is 2.71; Refractive index of 1.53-1.68 and a hardness of 3. The crystal structure is Orthorhombic. The nearest chemical formula for pearls is Ca CO3,C3H18N9O11.nH2O.
Pearl has cooling and calming effects. It increases healing, vitality, fertility, longevity, digestive power of the body. It is known to decrease the effects of hepatitis, gallstones, bleeding, acidity, irritability, anxiety, malignant cancer, bloating and pain. It helps balance body fluids, female reproductive system, functioning of pancreas, liver and kidneys.
Pearl is the precious stone for Moon. The semi precious substitute for this is Moon Stone and Opal.
Moonstone is basically Orthoclase with a bluish white sheen and hence the name. It is Potassium Aluminium Silicate with hardness of 6 and specific gravity of 2.57 and Monoclinic crystal structure. These are found in Burma ,Sri Lanka,India ,Madagascar,Brazil,European Alps and Mexico.
Moonstone is a stone used for detoxification and fertility. It is very effective in menstrual problems and restores the normal cycle. It also helps alleviate PMS symptoms. It decreases effects of insanity, dropsy, leucorrhoea, bleeding, thirst, high blood pressure, pulmonary consumption, beestings and insect bites, malaria, yellow fever. It balances intestinal tract, lower spinal column, pancreas, pituitary glands. The stone is very effective in restoring the various body cycles.
Opal is hardened Silica Gel and contains 5-10 percent water. This is non-crystalline unlike other gems and with use it dries out and can have cracks. The Opal which shows iridescence is precious and for Moon white opal is used as substitute. It is Hydrated Silica Gel with hardness of 6,Specific Gravity of 2.10 and Refractive Index of 1.37-1.47 with structure being Amorphous. It is found in cavities in sedimentary rocks and Australia is the main producer of Opals. It is also found in USA, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa.
Opal is having cleansing properties. It improves vision and hearing. It is very good for headaches. It also adjusts and balances the nervous system.
Coral is made up of the skeletal remains of marine animals called Coral Polyps. These tiny creatures live in colonies which form branching structures as they grow, eventually resulting in coral reefs and Atolls. Most corals are made of Calcium Carbonate and have red,pink,white and blue colours. But black and golden corals are made of a horn like substance called conchiolin. Out of all Red coral is most precious. Red coral is found in Japan, Mediterranean and African coasts. Black and golden coral is found in West Indies and Australia.
Coral has hardness of 3; specific gravity 2.68; Refractive index 1.49-1.66 and Trigonal crystal structure. The chemical formula is Ca CO3 ( or C3H48N9O11).
The main effect of stone is in tissue regeneration and increase in blood cells. It decreases leukemia, fever, madness, nightmares, asthma, teething troubles, sterility, constipation, jaundice, obesity, rickets, rabies, menorrhagia, varicose veins, anaemia, haemorrhaging, arthritis. It helps balancing spleen, mucous membrane, bile, spine, circulation, spinal canal, alimentary canal, nervous system, Thalamus.
Red coral is the precious stone for Mars. The semi precious substitute for this is Carnelian.
Carnelian is reddish orange variety of Chalcedony. It has hardness of 7; specific gravity of 2.61; refractive index of 1.53-1.54 and Trigonal structure of crystals. It is basically Silicon Dioxide with formula as SiO2. Best Carnelian is from India.
Carnelian increases fertility, tissue regeneration, elasticity of blood vessels and assimilation. It is helpful in reducing nosebleed, anorexia, fear, rage, gallstones, kidney stones, pollen allergies, and impotence. One of the main functions carnelian does is to balance sexual energies. It also balances endocrine system, spleen, pancreas, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, gallbladder.
Hessonite is Grossular garnet as per gemology and is found in various colours but they are known to derive their name from their first specimen found. This had orange brown colour and this colour is due to manganese and Iron inclusions. The best Hessonite is found in Sri Lanka in metamorphous rocks or gem gravels. In Madagascar it is generally called as Cinnamon stone. It is also found in Brazil, Canada and Siberia as well as in Maine (California) & New Hampshire in USA.
The chemical composition of Hessonite is Calcium Aluminium Silicate. The chemical formula is Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 It has hardness of 7.25,Specific Gravity of 3.65,Refractive index of 1.73-1.75 and Cubic crystal structure .
The Hessonite is the precious stone for Rahu. Its semi precious substitute is Zircon and Amber.
Zircon is chemically Zirconium Silicate with formula of ZrSiO4. This stone is famous for being found in colourless form and their resemblance with diamonds. But it can have colours of yellow ,orange, blue ,red, brown etc. In astrology ,the colour of reddish brown for Zircon is used for Rahu. This stone of gem quality is found as pebbles in alluvial deposits and the best comes from Sri Lanka.Brazil,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,Kampucea,Australia,Burma,Nigeria, Tanzania and France also produce Zircon.
Zircon has hardness of 7.5,specific gravity 4.69, refractive index 1.93-1.98 with a Tetragonal crystal structure.
Amber is the fossilized resin of trees. Most Amber is golden yellow to golden orange, but green ,red, violet and black Amber has also been found. The chemical composition is mixture of organic plant resins and mainly the formula is C10H16O. It normally occurs as nodules or small irregularly shaped masses. When rubbed, Amber produces a negative electrical charge that attracts dust. The most famous deposits are in the Baltic region, particularly along the coast of Poland and former USSR.
Amber has hardness of 2.5,refractive index of 1.54-1.55,specific gravity of 1.08 and Amorphous crystal structure. Amber with golden orange colour is used a substitute for Hessonite.
Amber helps in increasing cell regeneration,strenghthens brain and nervous system. It helps decrease catarrh, ulcers, soreness, hay fever, asthma, convulsions, deafness, insanity, earache, headache, toothache, rheumatism, anxiety, and goiter. It provides balancing influence on liver, kidneys, throat, digestive tract, thyroid, inner ear, brain, central nervous system, teething, intestines and stomach, endocrine system. It is very helpful in joint lubrication and provides fluidity to the muscles, increases elasticity of tendons and removes inflammation of tendons.
Yellow sapphire is also known as Oriental Topaz. It is basically Corundum and comes in many other colours as well. The chemical composition is Aluminium Oxide with a formula of Al2O3. The yellow sapphire is mainly found in Queensland and New south Wales in Australia. Even Sri Lanka,East Africa also produce this type of sapphire. The sapphire has hardness of 9 ,specific gravity 4.00,refractive index 1.76-1.77 with a Trigonal crystal structure.
This stone drastically helps in memory and learning. It is also an effective stone to decrease the effects of snakebite. It helps balancing stomach, gall bladder, spleen, and liver.
Yellow sapphire is the precious stone for Jupiter. The semi precious substitute is Golden Topaz.
Golden Topaz is actually golden yellow in colour and is sometimes called as Sherry topaz also. Although topaz occurs in other colours also, but golden yellow is in the category of gems. It is basically Aluminium Fluorohydroxysilicate with a formula of Al2(F,OH)2SiO4. It is found in igneous rocks and sometimes in alluvial deposits as pebbles also. It is found in USA,Sri Lanka,Burma,former USSR,Australia,Pakistan,Mexico,Japan and Africa.
Topaz has hardness of 8,specific gravity 3.54,refractive index 1.62-1.63 with a crystal structure of Orthorhombic.
Blue Sapphire is basically Corundum and comes in many other colours as well. But traditionally sapphire is associated with blue colour only. The chemical composition is Aluminium Oxide with a formula of Al2O3.Good quality Blue Sapphire is found in Burma, Sri Lanka and India. The best Indian Sapphire is cornflower blue and is found in Jammu and Kashmir. Montana in USA also produces blue sapphire . Cambodia ,Brazil,Kenya,Malawi and Colombia also produce this sapphire. The sapphire has hardness of 9 ,specific gravity 4.00,refractive index 1.76-1.77 with a Trigonal crystal structure.
The stone is said to be increasing eyesight, longevity, blood flow to organs. It helps decrease rheumatism, sciatica, neurology, epilepsy, hysteria, tumour, reduces fat, arthritis, nerve pains, mental illness, petrochemical and radiation miasms, excessive bleeding, emotional pain and trauma, haemorrhage. It provides balance to intestinal tract, pancreas, lower spinal column, heart, blood, and adrenals.
Blue sapphire is the precious stone for Saturn. The semi precious substitute is Turquoise and Lapis lazuli.
Turquoise is one of the first gemstones mined and varies from sky blue in colour to greenish. It is commonly found in microcrystalline, massive form, usually as encrustations or as nodules. Sky blue turquoise from Iran is the best, but in Tibet a greener variety is found. Mexico and USA also produce greener variety. Chile ,Australia and England(Cornwall) also produce. The distinct blue colour is due to presence of copper and traces of Iron.
It has hardness of 6,specific gravity of 2.80,Refractive Index 1.61-1.65 and is chemically Hydrated copper aluminium phosphate. The crystal structure is Triclinic and the formula is CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8.5H2O.
Turquoise has amazing property for helping in disorders of female reproductive system. It increases eyesight, tissue regeneration and circulation. Turquoise is very effective in headaches and migraines. It also decreases fever, cataracts, effects of environmental pollution, anorexia, and stress. It balances circulation, tendons, ligaments, throat, thymus gland, and nerves.
Lapis Lazuli is a Blue rock made up of several different minerals, including Lazurite, Sodalite, hauyne, Calcite and pyrite. The colour of Lapis lazuli varies as per composition but the intense blue variety with minor patches of white calcite and brassy yellow pyrite is the best quality. It is usually found as boulders or within limestones.The best quality lapis lazuli is from Afghanistan. Argentinian stone is also of very high quality. Some different shades of blue are also found in USA and Canada.
It has hardness of 5.5,specific gravity 2.80.refractive index 1.50 with Variable crystal structure. The formula is (Na,Ca)8(Al,Si)12O24(SO4)Cl2(OH)2.
Lapis lazuli increases strength, virility, vitality, oxygenation of blood, mitosis, hearing and immune system. It decreases poison, fever, depression, melancholia, neuralgia, spasms, tonsillitis, anxiety, Hodgkin’s disease. Cancer of the larynx, autism, urinary troubles, tuberculosis, haemorrhoids, jaundice, diabetes, insomnia, neurosis, vertigo and dizziness. It helps in balancing emotions, vocal cords, thyroid, esophagus, bronchial tract, bone marrow, skeletal system and Eustachian tube.
Emerald is basically Beryl gemmologically with presence of chromium and Vanadium, which makes it green .It can have various colours from colourless,blue,pink and golden yellow depending upon the inclusion. It is Beryllium aluminium silicate and formula is Be3Al2(SiO3)6. It is found in granites,pegmatites and schists as well as alluvial deposits. The finest emerald is from Colombia. Other sources are Astria,India,Aystralia,Brazil,South Africa,Egypt,Norway,Pakistan and Zimbabwe.
Emerald has hardness of 7.5,specific gravity 2.71,refractive index 1.57-1.58 with a Hexagonal crystal structure.
The general effects of emerald are relating to mind, which means it increases memory, intuition, communication and intelligence. In addition it enhances eyesight, body vitality, and immune system. It is useful in decreasing pain, cancer, asthma, ulcers, infections, childbirth pains, eyestrain, stress, paranoia, schizophrenia, radiation effects, acidity, headache, back pains, sciatica, and female diseases. The effects are achieved as emerald balances the breathing system, nervous system, circulation, nerves, haemoglobin, adrenals, and pancreas.
Green Emerald is precious stone for Mercury. The semi Precious substitute for this is Peridot.
Peridot is the gem quality specimen of the mineral Olivine. Peridot has olive or bottle green colour due to presence of Iron .It is chemically Magnesium Iron Silicate. It is found in St. John’s island in Egypt, in China,Burma,Brazil,Hawai and Arizona USA,Australia,South Africa and Norway. The formula of Peridot is (Mg,Fe)2SiO4.
The hardness of Peridot is 6.5,specific gravity 3.34,refractive index 1.64-1.69 with Orthorhombic crystal structure.
Peridot helps body in recuperation and heals fast. It provides body strength and helps tissue regeneration. It is known to decrease anger, jealousy, stress, epilepsy, poison effects and effects of bites. The stone balances endocrine system and nerves. It aligns and balances inner body,organs,liver, astigmatism, nearsightedness. It helps in childbirth and is a detoxifier.
Cat’s eye is basically Chrysoberyl gemmologically. It occurs in a range of colours from green to yellow to brown. It is a hard and durable stone. This stone when cut en-cabochon, has a near whit line across the stone and gives the effect of a cat’s eye ,hence the name. This effect is due to canal or feather like fluid inclusions, or needle like inclusions of rutile. The highly prized colour for this is light golden brown often with a shadow that gives a light and dark'milk and Honey’ effect. It is mainly Beryllium aluminium Oxide with a formula BeAl2O4. The best stone is found in Urals in mica schists.Sri lanka,Burma,Brazil,Zimbabwe, China also produce Cat’s eye.
The hardness of this stone is 8.5,specific gravity 3.71,refractive index 1.74-1.75 and Orthorhombic crystal structure.
Cat’s eye is the precious stone for Ketu. The semi precious substitute for this is Alexandrite.
Alexandrite is also chrysoberyl with the same composition as cat’s eye and the same physical properties described above. The very rare and valuable Alexandrite changes from green in daylight to red,mauve,or brown under incandescent light. It is best when it is transparent and differs only that when cut ,it does not produce the effect of a white line across it.
Diamond is the hardest mineral on earth,and combined with its exceptional luster and brilliance, is the most prized of all gems. Pure and colourless diamond is the most popular but other varieties like yellow,brown,green,pink,blue and red ,even black are also found. Diamond is chemically Carbon and the formula is C. Because of the uniform arrangement of the carbon atoms, diamond crystals are well formed. Diamond forms at very high temperatures and pressures like 80 KM under ground. These days Australia is main producer. Ghana,Sierra Leone,Zaire,Botswana,Namibia,USA,former USSR and Brazil also produce Diamonds. Diamonds are graded for four "C"s for gem quality—Colour; Clarity; Cut; Carat i.e. weight.
Diamond has hardness of 10.specific gravity 3.52,Refractive index 2.42 with a Cubic crystal structure.
Diamond is the precious stone for Venus. The semi precious substitute for this is Tourmaline and Rock Crystal.
Tourmaline is basically complex Borosilicate gemmologically. The formula for this is Na(Li,Al)3Al6(Bo3)Si6O18(OH)4.It comes in various colours and has different names as well, but the colourless tourmaline is called Anchorite and is used for Venus. This variety occurs in pegmatites of Madagascar and Pala(in California in USA).
The hardness of Anchorite is 7.5,specific gravity 3.06,refractive index 1.62-1.64 with Trigonal structure.
Tourmaline helps in sleep disorders and is widely used for this. The stone decreases fear, worry and stress and helps increase sleep. It also acts as a balance force for eyes, brain, thymus and thyroid.
Rock crystal is Quartz and is the most common mineral of the earth. It is Silicon Dioxide with a formula SiO2. The crystals are usually found as hexagonal prisms with pyramidal ends. It is found worldwide but the most important sources are Brazil, Swiss and French Alps,Madagascar,USA,former USSR.
The hardness of this stone is 7,specific gravity 2.65,refractive index 1.54-1.55 with a Trigonal crystal structure.
Quartz helps increase lactation, tissue regeneration, eyesight, and detoxification. It helps decrease anaemia, jaundice, asthma, constipation, headache, fever, pain, ulcers ,leukemia, bubonic plague, radiation protection, sore throat, gland swellings, vertigo ,dizziness, burns and blisters. It balances cell salts, circulation, amino acids, protein, stomach lining, immune system, pituitary gland and intestines.