Virgo :
General behavior :
Virgos are creative, delicate, and intelligent. You love to have everything in order, but are also patient. You are very observant, which can lead you to be judgmental. Some people may think that you are acold person, because you rarely show your emotions. You also have a lot of charm and dignity, although you may not have many friends, due to your troubles with showing your feelings. Virgos are more followers than leaders. You are alwayslogical.
Romantic behavior :
Your attraction for the opposite sex leads you into unpleasant situations at times. Opposite sex gets attracted to you for your good manners, polite language, not realizing it is a ruse. Your attraction for the opposite sex will lead you from one affair to another. This is because you like to use your creativity and imagination in the relationship. However, you better not wear your heart on your sleeve.
Good career choices for you are :
Public Speaker
Virgoans are prone problems with the abdomen and nervous system.
Your ruling planet: Mercury.
The Virgin is associated with Virgo.
Your lucky colors: green and dark brown.
Your lucky gemstone: sardonyx.
Your lucky numbers : 2, 5, 7. |
Pisces :
General behavior :
Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people'sproblems than your own. You are not a decisive person andmay change your mind many times. You are also a follower, but you do not always choose good leaders. Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away. Weak concentration skills can get you into trouble at school.
Romantic behavior:
You enjoy good relations with members of the opposite sex. They also enjoy you. But you should play safe when you are not sure. Relationships could be very volatile so it is better to keep things under control. You tend to have too many love affairs so you are advised to control yourself. Too much of a good thing can be upsetting. Do not try to show off too much as they can get turned off. Do not go beyond limits when it is not necessary. Maintaining a balance is good for you.
Good career choices for you are :
Pisceans are prone to skin diseases and foot problems
Your ruling planet is Neptune .
The scorpion is associated with Scorpio.
Your lucky color is sea green
Your lucky gemstone is the moonstone.
Your lucky numbers : 1, 3, 4 and 9. |
Taurus :
General behavior:
Taurus (the bull) is determined and peaceful. Although you are not a leader, you will recognize someone with great leadership qualities and follow them. You try to remain the same as everyone else, and are resistant to change. People will enjoy you because you have a good sense of humor and are intelligent. You are a dependable friend who is not scared off by a challenge. You may believe so strongly in yourvalues that you will sacrifice relationships to uphold them. Some Taureans need to be told that they did a good job after accomplishing a task before they feel that they have really accomplished anything. Your friends are people in the same social standing as you, and you rarely go outside of that standing. Although you are calm and generally against fighting, you will fight if someone is provoking you. Your temper tends to explode in violent bursts that are not always directed at the person they should be.
Romantic behavior :
You are faithful by nature and don't indulge in love affairs unnecessarily. You like to be friendly with the opposite sex but do not go far. If you develop a weakness for the opposite sex, this could lead you into trouble.
Good career choices for you are :
Taureans are prone to throat illnesses, and are at risk of being overweight.
The bull is associated with Taurus.
Your ruling planet : Venus.
Your lucky color : pink.
Your lucky gemstone : emerald and pearl.
Your lucky numbers : 2 and 8. |
Cancer :
General behavior :
Cancer (the crab) is one of the most difficult zodiac signs to understand. Cancerians can have many different personalities. Most Cancerians like to be at their home, and enjoy large families. You seem unsociable to some people, but you enjoy chatting and gossiping as much as anyone else. You tend to day-dream very often and can be found in a state of fantasy. You enjoy art, writing, and drama, but acting may not be a good career for you because of your tendency to Overact. Cancer is the sign most likely to believe in the zodiac, as well as other psychic happenings. You make a loyal friend and also very patriotic.
Romantic behavior :
You tend to form relationships quickly and get sentimental about your love partners. Although you tend to go in for love affairs aplenty, you always feel dissatisfied; so does your partner if he/she can't understand you well.
Good career choices for you are :
Cancerians (ironically) are prone to cancer as well as poor eyesight
Your ruling planet : Moon.
The crab is associated with Cancer.
Your lucky color : silver.
Your lucky gemstone : pearl.
Your lucky numbers : 4 and 6. |
Leo :
General behavior :
King planet Sun governs your zodiac sign. You want to live like a king. You are a very ambitious person and want to rise to the top in the profession of your choice. You have been blessed with a strong personality, which can take you places if you so desire. You are logical in your approach to most thingsbut sometimes you get so confused over the small issues. An extrovert, you have many friends and you are a good host. You learn to branch out on your own even if it turns out to be an expensive idea since you are ready to sacrifice much if it benefits in the long run. You are very much a materialistic person; you will find it difficult to do without worldly things. The picture you portray, however, is of the strong silent type. Your plus point is keeping a good relationship with those persons who could be of use to you in some way. You are self-opinionated person though you may behave otherwise. Sometimes you act very superficially and you yourself will not know why. You are quite power-hungry and given to vices any of which could cause you destruction both mentally and physically. You are an out-going person basically and have a wide circle of friends. You are a well-loved person since you speak attractively and have good manners. You can't tolerate your failures because you want to rule and you are impatient to reach that level. You don't let anyone come in the way of achieving power. You are brave and don't spend sleepless nights on major or minor worries provided you have been sincere and just. Basically an extrovert, you reach out to people in all walks of life. You are helpful to those in trouble and don't expect anything in return. To win your favor, it is wise to flatter you and this happens to you all the time but you won't notice it.
Romantic behavior :
You tend to take people who love you for granted and this is quite a negative trait as the relationship could turn into a love-hate one. You don't like to chase the opposite sex, instead preferring to be chased. Your ego and arrogant nature can hurt the feelings of your partner, and causes frequent breakups in the relationship.
Good career choices for you are :
Military officer,
Any position that needs leadership qualities.
Your ruling planet : Sun.
The lion is associated with Leo.
Your lucky color : orange.
Your lucky gemstones : Ruby and Coral.
Your lucky numbers : 1, 4 and 6. |
Aries :
General behavior :
Aries (the ram) loves freedom, and will accept any challenge. You will get impatient if your ideas do not work out immediately and as expected. You are unwilling to follow someone else's suggestions, especially if they do not make sense to you. You often have excess energy which can make you aggressive. Arians are brave leaders who express care and concern for all they lead. However, an Arian as a follower is rare, and can be troublesome. Some Arians will act self-centered because they believe that their views are right, and anyone who conflicts with them is wrong. Because you are open and honest, you will make energetic and generous friends. Arians have trouble compromising which can lead to problems in otherwise smooth friendships.
Romantic behavior :
You are extremely friendly and charming, and are very attracted to the opposite sex. Speaking of romance, you seem to follow Keats' definition of beauty, "A thing of beauty, is a joy forever." You get bored very soon in your affairs because you also prefer intelligent and versatile partners. You areadvised to be careful in your relationships as you could get into trouble easily when you let your heart rule your head. The opposite sex finds youfascinating because of your beauty consciousness,lavish expenditure, dynamism and adventurous nature.
Important Information on Arians :
Good career choices for you are :
Any type of leader
You are prone to headaches and indigestion.
Your ruling planet : Mars.
The ram is associated with Aries.
Your lucky color: red.
Your lucky gemstone: diamond.
Your lucky numbers : 9 and 1 |
Gemini :
General behavior :
Gemini (the twins) is a very complex and confusing sign. To some people you can seem like a wonderful friend, while to others you will seem two-faced and sneaky. You will act like a child for most of your life. That includes both the good and bad characteristics of children. You are happy and energetic when things go right for you. However, when things go wrong, you can be passive-aggressive and very mean. You find decisions hard to make, since you can never stay with the one that you originally choose. You tend to fight loosing battles for something that you call a "moral" cause (even though you know it isn't). One quality (you decide whether it's good or bad) you have is the ability to lie and appear that you are telling the complete truth. You prefer to use someone else's solution to a problem than thinking of your own. Many of Gemini's poorer traits are due to your lack of self-esteem. It is very tough to get your attention. You will be thinking about many things at a time and you can't concentrate on any particular thing at one time. You may be praising somebody but at the same time you will be thinking against him(her). But the most intelligent people on the earth are Geminians.
Romantic behavior :
The uncertainty of the Gemini temperament does not favor lasting affairs and is the cause of much friction in their love life. You are little swayed by passion, and the only way to retain your fidelity is to meet your varying moods constantly in a fair and unsuspecting manner. You prefer light relationships to more lasting ones.
Good career choices for you are :
Geminians are prone to diseases of the nervous system and illnesses in the upper body.
Your ruling planet : Mercury.
The twins are associated with Gemini.
Your lucky color : green.
Your lucky gemstones : Emerald and Diamond.
Your lucky numbers : 3 and 7 |
Libra :
General behavior :
Libra (the balance) is said to be the most desired Zodiac Sign. You are charming, good looking, gentle and kind. You are a good judge of character and have many good friends. You do not like it when your decisions are challenged, and are impatient with people who criticize you. You hate people who are cruel to others. Libras enjoy the arts more than science, so a career in the arts would be a good choice. You will understand other people's views and sympathize with them. A negative Libraian (there aren't many) flirts and seems shallow. They also are impatient with a daily routine.
Romantic behavior :
Take care in romance as you have a tendency to flirt from one love affair to another. You also have an attraction for the opposite sex but should be careful as you are very emotional, therefore you cannot make difference between good and bad. You are advised to think well before making the first move, because, sometimes your partner may put you in a scandal. Every one of the opposite sexes is not a virtuous, honest and loveable person. Some are cunning and advantage seeking. A beautiful love partner can be paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul and purgatory for the purse.
Good career choices for you are :
Civil servant,
Fashion designer,
Interior decorator
Libraians are prone to kidney problems and a weak back.
Your ruling planet : Venus.
The Scales of Balance are associated with Libra.
Your lucky color : blue.
Your lucky gemstone : sapphire.
Your lucky numbers : 1, 2 and 7. |
Sagittarius :
General behavior :
Sagittarius (the archer) is optimistic and full of life. You are adventurous, energised and an extrovert. You continue to have a positive outlook even when your ideas are put down. You are always on the side of the underdog. You have good judgment and enjoy starting projects. You have a nagging need to feel free, which can get you into trouble. You also tend to be impatient.
Romantic behavior :
You are on good terms with members of the opposite sex and enjoy a friendly relationship with them. As an extrovert and a sensible person, your personal relations should give you happiness and satisfaction. Due to undue sentimental attachments you tend to get into trouble. You should look for reciprocation in inter-relationships. Go slow when not sure. This phase can be full of joy or agony according to the way you act. As far as the opposite sex is concerned, though you have a good rapport with them it will be wise to be discreet. The opposite sex fascinates you and you maintain good relations with them without getting into frivolous acts.
Good career choices for you are :
Travel agent,
Sagittarians are prone to hip and thigh problems, and may also have poor hair, skin, and nails.
Your ruling planet is Jupiter.
The centaur (half horse, half man) is associated with Sagittarius.
Your lucky color is purple.
Your lucky gemstone is topaz.
Your lucky numbers : 3, 5 and 8. |
Scorpio :
General behavior :
Scorpio (the scorpion) is intense and powerful. Although you appear controlled and calm, you are emotional and energetic. Scorpios often have strong and penetrating eyes. They seem fun to be with socially, but some seem self-involved and withdrawn. You can recognize your special qualities and it requires self-control to prevent you from using them for bad reasons. In relationships, you can be passionate and overwhelming. You are also very sensitive and take almost every comment to heart. You discard friends when they start to bore you.
Romantic behavior :
The opposite sex holds a fair deal of attraction to you but you should be careful in your dealings with them as you usually end up in unpleasant situations, because of the zeal and determination with which you tackle relationships with the opposite sex. Be friendly by all means, but treat the person like one treats a rose. Enjoy its glory, but do not crush its petals. You will find more satisfaction. You cannot be faithful for too long and this will not only destroy your reputation, but also remain a painful memory all your life.
Good career choices for you are :
Research scientist,
Scorpions are prone to liver and kidney problems.
Your ruling planet : Pluto.
The scorpion is associated with Scorpio.
Your lucky color : dark red or maroon.
Your lucky gemstone : opal.
Your lucky numbers : 2, 7, 9. |
Capricorn :
General behavior :
Capricorn (the goat) is the most serious of all the zodiac signs. You are independent and (usually) confident. You have a tendency to criticize yourself too much, which can lead to low self-esteem. Capricorns are dependable, but also extremely cautious. You make a fair, but stubborn leader, and this is a job that you can do well. You are very well organized, so you can handle many projects at once. You may go through horrible mood swings, being friendly one moment and mean the next.
Romantic behavior :
You maintain good relations with members of the opposite sex. You make good and true friends. You are capable of deep and passionate affections. However, in your search for greener pastures, you sometimes switch partners too quickly. Be discreet with the opposite sex as you can face some unpleasant situations.
Good career choices for you are :
Real-Estate Broker
Capricornians are prone to knee problems, skin breakouts, and digestive problems.
Your ruling planet : Saturn.
The goat is associated with Capricorn.
Your lucky color : brown (and other dark colors).
Your lucky gemstone : black onyx.
Your lucky numbers : 6, 8 and 9. |
Aquarius :
General behavior :
Aquarians in general come in two different types: shy, and lively. Both are strong-willed and honest. Your thoughts are orderly and you plan your life in a systematic manner. Sometimes you areaggressive and loud. You are unprejudiced and can see other's points of views. You are serious, but you can also be funny with a dry sense of humor. You are also logical and intelligent. There are times when you feel the need to withdraw from people and be alone for a while, which causes some people tothink that you are a loner. But, while you are alone, you enjoy meditating and prayer. Aquarians are usually gifted in drama. You are very independent and rarely go along with the crowd. SomeAquarians are extremely egotistical, as a result will drive friends away.
Romantic behavior :
You are romantic and idealistic and tend to put your beloved on a pedestal. However, if things don't go as planned the consequent disillusionment gives rise to much unhappiness. You are usually faithful and loyal, but occasionally you behave quite opposite. When the opposite sex is concerned, you must learn to keep a low key. Over-activity or misplaced trust can lead to a trouble. You are advised to go slow when you are not sure; it is better than regretting the consequences at leisure.
Good career choices for you are :
Electronics Operator,
You are prone to leg problems and nervous system difficulties
Your ruling planet : Uranus.
The water barer is associated with Aquarius.
Your lucky color : Turquoise.
Your lucky gemstone : Turquoise.
Your lucky numbers : 2, 3, 7. |