Breast Self Examination:
  The first step to early detection. ONCE A MONTH, FOR LIFE !

- Look for
- Change in the shape of a breast
- Nipple being pulled inwards
- Any new dimpling of the skin
- Any bloody discharge from the nipple

Skin Dimpling
Change in Skin
color or Texture
Change in how the nipple look,
like pulling in
of the nipple.
Clear or bloody fluid that leaks out of the nipple

your arms above your
head often shows up early changes


- Feel both breasts with the pads of the fingers of the
  opposite hand— including the armpit.
- All breasts are lumpy—especially after child bearing !
- Look for new lumps that are HARD WITH NO PAIN


Please visit us immediately if,

- There Is a New Lump Which Is Hard With No Pain
- The Nipple Is Suddenly Being Pulled Inward
- There Is Blood Coming From the Nipple
- There Is a New Swelling in the Arm Pit

Nipple getting pulled inwards Dimpling of Skin

Ulceration of the Nipple

Late stage untreated Breast Cancer -
with the Tumor breaking through the skin

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