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Memory Development
There is nothing called a "bad memory", and everyone can improve it. Brain may be called a super computer for memory as the computers are loaded with information for retrieval at a later date when necessary. All the experiences entered through the sensory organs, e.g. seeing, Hearing, Touching, tasting, smelling even experience of fear etc. goes straight in to brain which is called registration. These registered experiences are stored in layers in different parts of the brain through special circuits(Storing). When required these stored information comes automatically back to the persons which is called recall or remembering, even without any effort of strain.


Memory consists of different steps of brain functioning in a fascinating & complex way.

We all know that we  remember some things for a long time and forget others ; things which help remembering has special significance to the individuals as opposed to other events/things which have much less relevance for him which he forgets. We all know that the addresses we go to frequently comes to our mind without effort and the same applies to telephone numbers we use frequently.

This can be explained by the fact that the circuit used for remembering the addresses & telephone numbers are easily connected.

Psychologists had observed that an immediate experience in the environment can recall some related event experience long time ago e. g .Seeing an animal brings back the memory of a zoo visited long time ago.

Ease of recall of events memory involve two processes one is the frequency of use and the other is overloading & super imposing recorded memory event .e.g. A child who reads a poem every morning can recall it without much effort, however if after reading the poem he has read five other subjects the weight of all these other subjects suppresses his recall circuit.

Penfield showed by experiment that electrical stimulation of some parts of temporal lobe leads to immediate and vivid recall of things which the person experienced many years ago, e.g. a First World War veteran in his 70’s recalled his military number given him in French trench.


For all performances some degree of anxiety is necessary, in effect, anxiety is the driving force towards performance. It has been shown many times that the gradual increase of level of anxiety increases performance, however, only up to a point, after which if the anxiety level is driven further, the performance level drops : this is in psychology known as Yearkee-Dotson’s law. Brain may be called a super computer for memory as the computers are loaded with information for retrieval at a later date when necessary. All the experiences entered through the sensory organs, e.g. seeing, Hearing, Touching, tasting, smelling even experience of fear etc. goes straight in to brain which is called registration. These registered experiences are stored in layers in different parts of the brain through special circuits(Storing).When required these stored information comes automatically back to the persons which is called recall or remembering, even without any effort of strain.

          Except if it is disturbed or interfered with by externals e.g. noise and physical factors or internal disturbing factors (mental or physical stress)

  1. Long term memory.

  2. Short term memory.

  3. Immediate memory.


It means which has already been registered and stored in the brain long time ago. Eg. This is retained in condition like Dementia for a long time till the dementia becomes quite advanced. Because of  structural changes of the brain.


This is recall of events, registered and stored in recent past. eg. these are the one which are lost in dementia even in the early stages. eg. the person cannot remember what he had for breakfast in the morning. And here the functional change of the brain occurs.


When a person is in a state of terror or panic he may not even remember his name or whereabouts. Here the brain fails even to register the event so can’t recall, this is failure of immediate memory. e.g. like not remembering the way an accident happened. And here the functional and or structural change of the brain occurs.

  • Hippocampus.
  • Amygdale.
  • Temporal  Lobe.
  • Frontal Lobe.
  • Striatum.
  • Basal Ganglia.
  • Mammillary bodies.
  • Transfer of short term to long term memory.
  • Also controls the special memory e.g. trauma, emotional events etc and associated behaviour.
  • It has capacity to increasing neurons.
  • And this capacity may by suppressed by psychological stress.
  • Processing memory of emotional, social & sexual kind and smell.
  • Plays an important part in storing and recalling of memory also developing circuits with frontal part of brain.
  • Situated deep inside mid brain plays a crucial role in the circuits involved in retrieval of stored.
  • Has a role in thinking process which itself is related to remembering.
  • It is a part of Hypothalamus which is an important organ in memory function.
  1. To remember things well one must have a quiet and peaceful environment to study or to register the information to be remembered.
  2. The person must realise the need to remember.
  3. Concentrate on the subject, here yoga helps tremendously.
  4. Read the subject audibly.
  5. Association of things also helps to remember names associate with your familiar people.
  6. Instead of trying to remember long passages, breaking it into compartments, related to your interest or day to day events, also can make things easier to remember.
  7. Anxiety and mental stress can hamper memory process.
  8. Environmental pollution like noise, too much cold / heat, car exhaust etc. can interfere with the memory process.
  9. Repetition of the subject. e.g. Reading , writing, Telling, Hearing, Visualising all these help.
  10. The best way to remember anything is to understand the fundamental / principle underline the subject.
  11. Adequate sleep in 24 hours on a regular basis (at least 6 to 8 hours sound sleep) is essential for good memory function.
  12. Relaxation technique from Yoga can complement the need for sleep.
  13. Some useful technique
    • Rhyming- like One Run
    • Two Zoo etc
  14. Besides this technical aids and procedure a good general health always helps, which includes good nutrition.
  1. Yoga can increase the capacity of memory through neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. (khalsa. Harvard Medical School / S.M.Skeide OSLO Univ. ).
  2. Diet nutritious including vitamins and minerals.
  3. Self Discipline –To stop mind from straying.
  4. Counselling with Memory Developer / REWIREMIND.


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