Sahomormi Charitable Trust

Sahomormi Charitable Trust

A Care centre for Old Age Disorder where bonding is Perfect & Persons find Home away from Home!

Care Center - Bose Para Kader Asram, Kodalia, Kolkata - 700146

Call + 91 98301 74963 / 87774 34254 / 94326 69831

Please make an appointment before visit

Why Us !

It’s the Bengali word for “EMPATHY”-feeling for the other !

We truly act in same spirit, as a balm to the bruised feeling of neglect, lack of due care,- with human touch the elder feel, -especially when affected in some way or other, mentally or physically.

SAHOMORMI assures you and your dear ones, when put under out 24/7 care, that you would get the following vital caring qualities you are looking for while seeking comfort for your aged loved ones!

Attention in full & Assurance of Total Care
Belt of Safety of the near one at Balanced Budget
Compassion of Home by out Nursing Staff & full Commitment
Dedicated team work of trained staff & qualified Doctors on Call
In emergency we make sure Pre Arranged Hospital Beds.

Today’s Practical Issues

Respite and care primarily come from family members in old age for the ailing: now with small families such care is hard to come by and if and when it comes it takes a toll on the caring member who also happens to be aging. He or She also suffers health problems as a result.

Sahomormi assures that if you put your faith by admitting the near ones with us, the family would be relieved of their time and anxieties as we have created this Trust over the years for nearly one and a half decade.